Shalave Cawley
NHS inducted 33 new members.
Thirty-three students were inducted to Legacy’s National Honor Society chapter on May 14. National Honor Society honors high performing students who demonstrate the society’s four pillars: Scholarship, Character, Leadership and Service.
“I feel honored to be accepted into this distinguished organization because it’s really hard to get in to.” sophomore Allison Bao said.
To gain acceptance students had to submit a long, rigorous application proving their merit in the four pillars. Along with those applications, teacher evaluations were submitted to a faculty committee who selected the students deemed worthy to be part of the organization.
“The application process was very intense and nerve wracking,” Alyssa Crosby said. “It had a lot of areas that you had to be good at.”
To remain a member of this prestigious organization, students must maintain a GPA of 97 or above, maintain good character and complete eight hours of community service every semester and in the summer.
“I’m not concerned about remaining a member. I’m a member of Key Club which requires lots of community service so I’ll be able to keep up with that,” Bao said. “I’ll also study really hard so I’ll be able to keep up my GPA.”
Crosby believes that induction into National Honor Society holds many benefits.
“It’s a great thing to put on my college application,” Crosby said. “It will also motivate me to keep up my Scholarship, Character, Leadership and Service.”
New NHS Members
Joan Arango
Allison Bao
Brandon Beasley
Karlee Blevins
Shane Boettiger
Natalie Burkett
Tamrah Ceaser
Olivia Corzine
Alyssa Crosby
Jessica Davault
Sulia Drewery
Alex Duppstadt
Mary Eisenhower
Claire Francis
Sara Gerges
Phillip Gibbs
Madison Giese
Rebecca Goodman
Joshua Hogue
Dillon Jones
Jonathan Lanter
Trevor Mata
Riley McKean
Meagan Mesch
Briana Moreno
Cassidy Regan
Kyle Rodney
Monica Salazar
Makayla Shanahan
Phillip Smith
Anthony Timberman
Haley Yelle
Heba Zakaria