Dalton Mix
Assistant Principal Ms. Zelma Ready hands junior Abby Lodrigues her NHS certificate of membership.
Eighteen students were inducted into National Honor Society on May 24 at Legacy’s Performing Arts Center. National Honor Society honors high performing students who demonstrate the society’s four pillars: Scholarship, Character, Leadership and Service.
“I’m happy about getting into NHS,” junior Karissa Cordero said. “Getting in feels like my hard work throughout high school finally paid off.”
To get inducted, students must not only have a GPA of 97 or above, they must undergo a rigorous application process proving their commitment and merit to the four pillars. The applications are then sent to a faculty council who chose the members based on their criterion.
“The application process was a lot of work,” junior Abby Lodrigues said. “I knew getting in would be important in the future so I was okay with it.”
To remain in National Honor Society, students must maintain their 97 or above GPA, complete eight hours of community service each semester and during the summer and uphold the four pillars.
“I’m really excited because keeping up my grades and doing community service will be important for college [applications],” Lodrigues said. “I value college a lot so getting in means alot to me.”
Cordero believes induction into National Honor Society holds many benefits.
“I’m excited because NHS teaches you about many leadership skills,” Cordero said. “It also looks wonderful on college applications.”
New NHS Members
Elizabeth Ballard
Carter Beasley
Lindsey Blakely
Brooke Bussey
Karissa Cordero
Shianne Davis
Ashley Deveau
Ryan King
Madison Kochiech
Emily Lass
Abigail Lodrigues
Erin Reigh
Anna Roberts
Deserae Rodriguez
Jacob Stacks
Brittyn Sutton
Rachel Van Lear
Abigail Walker