Dalton Mix
Ms. Michelle Alamudun leads a Ladies of Legacy meeting on Jan. 26 during advisory.
A sea of women pile into the quiet room of J-123. Tired, but eager faces fill the space, as more and more girls trudge in. Some arrive just on time, and some rush in with flushed faces apologizing for lateness after the meeting starts.
During advisory, on Jan. 26, Ladies of Legacy held their weekly meeting to discuss projects and upcoming events. Ms. Michelle Alamudun and Ms. Courtney DeGray walked cheerfully into the room and proceeded to the podium to commence the meeting.
“We’re still looking at doing a community service project,” Mrs. DeGray started. “I’m going to see if we can do something in conjunction with my sorority.”
The girls sat with the utmost respect listening attentively as Mrs. DeGray gave details and introduced different community service ideas for the club to partake in.
“We’re also still looking at going to Mission Arlington,” Mrs DeGray said as another girl uttered the same thing. “Which is likely going to take place in February.”
Small chatter sparked up amongst the girls regarding service and the days they would like to contribute.
“We need some dates out,” Mrs. DeGray said. “Throw some dates out there that we can vote on!”
Mrs. DeGray chose a random day, and immediately junior Emily Touchstone announced she had Jazz Bash on the days Mrs. DeGray initially proposed, so the club arrived at the set date of Jan. 17.
The topic of Black history month in February, introduced by Ms. Michelle Alamudun, required for one or more girls to speak on the announcements about significant African Americans.
“We’re going to get some people that’s willing to be on the announcements and speak about maybe a female for black history,” Mrs. Alamudun said.
Hands shot up at the sound of delivering news on the PA system, so Mrs. DeGray counted as she marked the names down on a sheet of paper. Hushed voices started up again, and Mrs. Alamudun switched the topic and brought up an idea for early February.
“I had a suggestion for February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day that we do makeup tutorials,” Mrs. Alamudun said.
The girls thought Mrs. Alamudun referred to makeup tutorials such as the ones available on Youtube done by beauty [gurus], but the minute she brought up grades, the girls understood they were still in the academic realm.
“I thought you meant like actual face makeup, not makeup on your tests,” Smith blurted out as others agreed with her. “Cause you said the day before Valentine’s Day.”
Sudden chit chat engulfed the otherwise quiet room at the thought of administering makeup tutorials. Girls spoke to each other loudly. But to straighten things out, Mrs. DeGray called attention back to herself.
“Clarification, on February 13th, it’s not beat the face makeup, it’s beat the grades makeup,” Mrs. DeGray said as the girls roared with laughter.
The girls, once again dissolved into chatter, discussing various topics regarding both sides of makeup. This bond time continued until the now giddy group quieted down to hear the meeting closeout.After all the meeting information had been discussed, the aura of prom and it’s festivities pervaded the room. Mrs. DeGray brought up the prom Instagram page where Legacy students going to prom can post their dresses, that way no one ends up wearing the same dress.
“I bought my dress last year so nobody can have it,” Smith said reassuringly.
Amid all the talk, Smith was cut off by the alarming, but usual sound of the release bell as it blared to send student to their next class of the day.
“All right ladies we’ll see you guys on Tuesday next week!” Mrs. DeGray exclaimed, and the Ladies of Legacy rushed out of the door and onto the hustle and bustle of the school hallways.