Staffer Anna Jordan expresses her resentment to the new transgender bathroom bills implemented by President Obama and his administration. (Photo used with permission via sandiegouniontribune.com)
It seems anytime I turn on the news there tends to be something about transgender identity and their beliefs being pushed on everyone around them. A group of people such as liberals say we should support them and be proud of them for being brave. However, I do not agree with that. I believe this was a choice transgenders made and should not expect everyone to support their choice.
In August of 2015, Target announced they were changing the toy aisles to no longer categorized toys by gender. They made the same change in the bedding section for kids so they wouldn’t feel the need to buy a bed set that matches their gender. Now, Target has switched to gender neutral bathrooms allowing people to go to the bathroom for the gender they identify with.
Changing society
While liberals support this lifestyle, I don’t. Male and female bathrooms were made for a certain gender not for people who believe or want to be a gender they are not. Not just transgenders use the bathroom but also other people who did not change their gender identity. Therefore, I think transgenders should use the family bathroom. This was a decision they made, and it should not be expected for everyone else to accept it. Growing up we teach our children the boys’ bathroom is for boys and the girls’ bathroom is for girls; now are we expected to say the bathrooms can be used by anyone who identifies with that gender.
Open bathrooms are dangerous (moms)
Mothers take their children to the bathroom, and they shouldn’t have to wonder if there will be a person of the opposite sex in there and try to figure out how they should explain why to their child. I don’t think that this is a fair decision. Yes, it accommodates the needs of a small transgender population but what about the population who doesn’t agree with those decisions or are uncomfortable with the thought of having to share a bathroom with them. I understand people don’t have to use the bathrooms Target provides, but if someone needs to go to the bathroom, they should not have to wait or leave the store because they don’t feel comfortable sharing a bathroom with transgenders. By having gender neutral bathrooms, Target puts its customers at risk and potentially looks at future lawsuits. Before having gender neutral bathrooms, people would be alert if a man were to walk into the women’s bathroom and the same if a woman were to walk into the mens bathroom. Now with these new bathrooms a man could walk into the women’s restroom claiming he was a transgender and end up doing something inappropriate to a female in the bathroom. This opinion could be a little far fetched, but I don’t have faith people won’t use this to their advantage. Making this decision was not a good one, and I hope with time restrooms will go back to the way they used to be.
On the subject of transgender identity, I believe this was their choice, and I’m okay with that. Although I do not agree with their decision and have not chosen that lifestyle for myself, I have no problem with them as a person. I have friends who identify as gay, lesbian and ones that have thought about transitioning. I still love them and consider them my greatest friends. Growing up in a conservative home and going to church every Sunday and Wednesday, I have been taught that practicing transgenderism is wrong, but at the same time, I have also learned I need to show love to everyone I come across no matter their life choices. I have chosen to look at the subject with love. I acknowledge to this group that this isn’t a life they have chosen but an emotion they cannot ignore or rid. I, on the other hand, feel this was something they chose. They wanted to change their gender, and I don’t believe it should be pushed on the people who don’t take part in it.
Target just being liberal
I am still trying to figure out what prompted Target to come out and do this. After all, other places have followed the trend and did not make a big spectacle of it. I think this was just a move where Target can say, “Hey look at us. We are liberals and we support transgenders.” Target wants to be noticed as a hip store, they are trying to be like that obnoxious parent that acts young to impress their kids and get them to want to hangout with them. In my opinion, I think they could have and should have done this in a quiet and less flashy way. This change wasn’t for the transgender population itself but instead to show the public Target supports liberal ways in order to pull in more customers.