(Sterling Greback Photo)
Nicole Moldenhauer, 11, Ashley Richardson, 12, and Reagan Wright, 12, show their spirit at the annual Red Out game.
Sit back and enjoy the ride; high school goes by quicker than you would expect. Check out these tips on the ins and outs of high school life.
Spirit Days
Legacy has many spirit weeks such as Red Out, Black Out, Pink Out, L.U.C.K. (Legacy Uniting through Caring and Kindness) Week and Bronco B.O.L.D. (Bring Others Love Daily) Week. Each of these weeks consist of different spirit or dress-up days and they will only be fun if people participate in them. Don’t be afraid to participate, just have fun and make memories. School spirit means a lot and shows to the community how invested students can be in their schools.
They can be a lot of fun, but only if you make them. Our student council and other students and faculty put in a lot of time to make these pep-rallies as much fun as possible. Participate, stand up and get wild. A Pep Rally usually starts with the choir singing the national anthem, once they finish the speaker will announce what events will occur. Drill team and cheerleaders perform a dance from one of their sets and then a relay race of some sort between the different classes will commence. If students get lucky, they get to throw a pie in a teacher’s face.
Sports Events
Support your fellow students and show up to the games. Even if students do not particularly like sports they still have a fun time, sports events give you a time to hangout with friends and make memories for the years to come. Students from every grade fill the stands and prepare to be loud and support their fellow schoolmates. Sports might not be everyone’s forte, but they can create a time for friends to get together and to be reckless.
Extra Curricular and Electives
On campus we have many different clubs and teams that students can be apart of. Legacy offers Key Club, French Club, Anime Club, Chess Club, Authors Club and many more. They also have sports teams that students can tryout for, including baseball, football, softball, basketball, track and field, cross country and others that interest students. If sports do not interest a student, he or she can join a fine arts organization like choir, show choir, theatre, art or journalism.