Ben Townsend
Try these epic ways to spend Halloween night.
Halloween has always been a holiday like no other, with jack-o-lanterns, costumes and candy, so it should be important for everyone to make the most of it when it comes. Look at the list below to find some ways to enjoy your Halloween night to the fullest.
Haunted Houses
Take a walk through a building designed to shake the visitors to the core. Just hope that you can run faster than your friends. Check out popular favorites like Cutting Edge, Thrillvania or 13th Floor.
Scary Movie Marathon
If you don’t like the idea of participating in haunted houses or activities of that nature, watching horror films might be a better option for you. Not to mention the unbelievable selection running on TV during the days leading up to Halloween.
Costume Party
Being in high school doesn’t mean you can’t dress up for the holiday. Get creative or coordinate with your friends for some funky or frightening costumes. Check out some of our ideas here.
Six Flags Fright Fest
October will be the only full month Six Flags will be holding the annual Fright Fest. The Fright Fest will be held from September 19 to November 1, on weekends, Columbus Day and the Thursday and Friday leading up to Halloween.
Prank War
On Halloween, people often welcome tricks as well as treats. Start a harmless prank war with your friends and see who comes out on top. Try these pranks out on your family or friends.