(Photo by Samantha Forsberg via Flickr cc.)
Pumpkin patches pop up when the leaves start to fall, signifying that autumn has begun.
The appearance of pumpkin patches around town proves that fall is among us. So why not use these pumpkins for more than decorations and carving. Discover seven more ways you could incorporate pumpkin into different items by looking at the list below.
Pumpkin Pie
Almost everyone knows that after thanksgiving dinner, pumpkin pie will be the main dessert. Pumpkin pie can be very easy to find. Store bought pumpkin pies will always be tasty. As always, homemade pumpkin pies, if made correctly, taste the best. Check out a recipe here.
Pumpkin Spice Latte
I know that you saw this one coming. Any time someone hears pumpkin, most people will automatically think of a pumpkin spice latte. Ever since 2003, people have gone crazy about the release days of the pumpkin spice latte. Although there might be some health concerns including sulfites in the pumpkin topping. Sulfites are known to trigger asthma attacks. Americans have and will love the pumpkin spice latte for a long time.
Pumpkin Launching
While most people will think of eating or carving a pumpkin, others think of launching pumpkins as far as possible. Some T.V. shows have competitions to see who can launch their pumpkins the furthest. These guys make machines of immense sizes. Some with catapults or launchers and some with pressurized gas. Learn how to make a pumpkin catapult here.
Pumpkin Candles
This might not be the best smelling scent, but the scent of pumpkin can surely put you in the fall mood. Grab some candles to light around your house. Candles can be easy to find because any retail store should have these. Some find the scent overpowering, but some enjoy it.
Pumpkin Bread
Pumpkin bread can be a very easy, tasty delight to make. Pumpkin bread tastes similar to pumpkin pie but without the creaminess of the pie. Be careful not to burn the bread because pumpkin flavoring can be a bit expensive.
Pumpkin Carving
Almost everyone that decorates or celebrates halloween has carved a pumpkin once. Whether you carve a classic face out of it, carve a funny saying into it or carve a picture of some sort, carving pumpkins can be a fun family activity. Make sure to save those seeds for a tasty snack.
Pumpkin Seeds
When carving pumpkins with your family, you have a ton of seeds left over after you gut the pumpkin. Why would you throw them away when you could sprinkle a little seasoning on top and roast them in the oven? Instead of them being in the trash, they could be a tasty roasted seed that you don’t have to spit out when you finish.