The TAO Chair allows the user to watch TV while simultaneously burning calories, thanks to its innovative design.
As the twenty-first century progresses, inventors will emphasize that shortening time, enhancing safety and improving efficiency make up the foundation of the next big products. This list will reveal the early stages of futuristic inventions and cutting-edge technology.
TAO Chair
The TAO Chair takes lounging to another level with its calorie-burning variobics system that allows you to work various muscles in the body. It features a calorie counter, complex armrest design, coaching app and movement sensors in various parts of the chair. This efficient invention allows you to watch your favorite tv-shows and movies, while bringing an “invisible gym” to your home.
Lightsaber Toasting Knife
In a rush, and don’t have time to wait on the slow toaster? The idea of a lightsaber toasting knife took inspiration from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy film in 2005. This advanced scientific invention combines the powers of a toaster oven and a knife to get you out the door minutes earlier than normal.
Rotating Park Bench
Introduced in Sung Woo Park in South Korea, pedestrians now don’t have to worry about getting wet while sitting down. This bench rotates wooden panels by a handle on the side, to ensure a dry seat no matter the weather.
Laser Guided Scissors
Cutting perfectly straight lines can be possible with this handy gadget. The Laser Guided Scissors have a guiding laser attachment making your cuts more precise. The plastic finger grips also provide comfort when cutting those thick pages.
In-Ground Trampoline
Remember watching those funny videos of people soaring uncontrollably to the ground, or getting their foot lodged in those sharp springs of their normal trampoline? These hazardous tragedies may be avoided with ground-level trampoline technology, that not only eases the apprehension of parents, but provides safety and entertainment for kids of all ages.