Photo by Emary Skoczlas
Cade Logan competes in the DBU University Patriot Cross Country Meet on September 9.
He looked up to only see the finish line. The light at the end of the tunnel. Cade Logan, exhausted from the constant running during the race, ended up finishing 2nd out of around 150 runners at his first cross country meet of the season. He felt relieved to finally be able to rest after running a 5k, and proud of himself for finishing so high.
With a personal time of 19 minutes and 28 seconds, Logan said. “This wasn’t my best time, but it’s easy to say that it was the hardest race I’ve ever ran.”
There was a huge gap between Logan and the 1st place runner, but he still ran his hardest all the way from start to finish.
“Every meet I beat my previous time, or try to at least,” Logan said. “I also mentally prepare myself before every meet and focus on what I have to do to win and try not to get distracted.”
Coach McMullen, Logan’s cross country coach, has coached him since last year. He has seen him develop and get better throughout the season and summer.
“This year, all runners keep a logbook to record their distances and times. The goal is to always improve, and Cade Logan is the best boys runner this year by far,” McMullen said. “Every practice, there is a lot of competition between the runners on who can get the best times so the competitive attitude of the runners definitely helps a lot for meets.”
This last meet on Thursday, September 8th, the boys team placed 2nd. This was very good for the team, but all the players and coaches expect to finish 1st from here on through the season.
“I was exhausted when I finished,” Logan said. “My legs felt weak and I was having trouble getting air. Even though the race was extremely difficult, I had to give it my all no matter how hard it was to finish. I really gave it 100%.”