Piper Pitts
Senior Emmaline Marion, president, conducts the Dec. 6 general meeting for Key Club. The club meets monthly to discuss items with officers and members.
The packed-out gym roars as teachers and students sprint to the middle of the court and begin a heated dodgeball game. The Legacy Key Club hosted a Toys for Tots pep rally on Nov. 15 and Key Club sponsor Ms. Abbi Marion emceed. This year marks Ms. Marrion’s first year as the sponsor.
“I wanted to still be involved in the school coming out of coaching,” Ms. Marion said. “I thought that [Key Club] would be a good little side project to help those kids find their voice. I’m big on leadership, philanthropy and all that kind of stuff, so Key Club kind of seemed like the perfect fit.”
Key Club originated in 1925 as a branch off of the Kiwanis Club organization. The club focuses on serving the school and community through a variety of activities. This year, Legacy’s Key Club has been responsible for recycling, Red Ribbon Week and Toys for Tots.
“I always make the joke that it’s like student council and National Honor Society combined,” Ms. Marion said. “[The] kids work hard. I have some of the best officers. They take crazy ideas I throw at them and they make them come to life and that’s pretty awesome to watch”
Key Club will be hosting a bake sale before Christmas and plan on holding a student-staff basketball game in the spring. Ms. Marion’s sister Emmaline Marion serves as the President of the club.
“I joined not only because Legacy’s Club was kind of small and I wanted to help incorporate some possibly new ideas or new ways of doing things, but I also knew that it was a service club,” Marion said. “I’ve always had a favorite for community service like growing up, helping around at the church or doing fall festivals, things like that. I always thought it was fun, so I really liked how [Key Club] has always emphasized community service.”
Key Club meets the first Tuesday of every month, however, they have recently been meeting every other week. If interested in joining, contact Ms. Marion.
“It’s just a really good environment,” Marion said. “We have a really good officer board team and [I enjoy] being able to work with my sister. We have very positive members that are always there and ready to work.”