Caroline Schlieker
Choir students talk to students on Sept. 1 during Howdy Week. Howdy Week gives students a preview of all clubs on campus.
Clubs give students a sense of belonging, something we all want in our lives. Legacy has clubs like Drama, Art, Debate, Student Council, and so many more. These clubs are great ways to get connected, stay connected, and be successful.
Academic Decathlon
Academic Decathlon is sponsored by Mrs. Jodi Esali and Mr. John Davis. AcaDec is an elective with a class period at school where students prepare to compete in regional and state competitions. Each nine-member team consists of three Honor (3.8-4.0) students, three Scholastic (3.2-3.7999) students, and three Varsity (2.0-3.1999) students. Every school year there is a new topic to study, and this year the topic is “The American Revolution.” For more information contact Mrs. Esali (JodiEsaili@misdmail.org) or Mr. Davis (JohnDavis@misdmail.org).
Drama Club
Drama Club is sponsored by Mr. Jeremy Ferman. Drama Club is for anyone who enjoys theatre and dramatic arts. They meet on the first Wednesday of the month after school in the PAC. It is an opportunity to play theatre games and meet new people. For more information, visit the Legacy Theatre Page (legacyhstheatre.com) and follow them on Instagram (@legacyhstheatre).
Art Club
Art Club is sponsored by Mrs. Amy Veselka and Mr. Shane Skinner. Art Club is a chance for students to meet and create art in many forms. They meet on the last Monday of each month from 3 p.m.- 3:45 p.m. in EN101 or EN106. Join the Art Club Remind by texting @3879a4 to 81010 to receive information about meetings and events for Art Club.
Debate is a place to build confidence, character, critical thinking skills, and creativity. They meet on Thursdays in AJ-114 from 3 p.m.-4 p.m.. The debate sponsor is Mr. Howard Ritz. For more information, visit the Legacy Debate Page (legacydebate.weebly.com) and follow them on Instagram (@legacyspeechanddebate).
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is an organization that hopes to spread the word of the Bible. They meet Wednesday mornings from 6:45-7:15 in the MAC. You do not have to be an athlete to be a part of FCA. The FCA advisor is Coach Cade Oliver. For more information, follow them on Instagram (@legacy.fca).
Queer Alliance
The Queer Alliance is an organization that hopes to create a more open-minded and accepting environment within LHS and throughout MISD. It is a safe space where everyone is welcome. They meet every Wednesday in the Library from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. The advisor is Mr. Drew Gillespie. For more information, visit the Legacy HS Queer Alliance website (sites.google.com/view/legacyhsqueeralliance/home) and follow them on Instagram (@legacyhs_queeralliance).
Student Council
Student Council is the bridge between the student body and administrators. StuCo strives to provide inclusivity and school spirit into the high school experience to make these four years memorable and special. They meet bi-weekly Mondays at 6:00pm. The StuCo advisor is Ms. Kenna Cavnar. For more information, visit the StuCo website (www.legacystuco.com) and follow them on Instagram (@lhsbroncostuco).
Latin Diversities United
Latin Diversities United is an organization created to help people understand and enjoy cultural diversities. They provide an educational experience with lots of fun activities, where you will gain more understanding and knowledge about our community and other cultures, but most of all, build and establish friendships. They meet from 3:05 p.m.-3:35 p.m. on Tuesdays and during Advisory on Wednesdays in S-217. The advisor is Ms. Karina Pena. For more information, follow them on Instagram (@legacyhs.ldu).
Muslim Student Association
The Muslim Student Association is an organization that hopes to bring awareness and understanding of Islam on campus. The MSA aims to inform students about the Muslim religion. They meet Tuesdays after school in S-203, and the advisor is Ms. Sengmi Rema (sengmirema@misdmail.org).
Asian Student Union
The Asian Student Union provides a space for Asian students to collaborate and connect with other Asian students in an environment where you can celebrate and discuss our culture and experiences. They meet Wednesdays after school in S-203, and the advisor is Ms. Sengmi Rema (sengmirema@misdmail.org).