Reese Mallett
A lot can change in four years. One day you’re a freshman learning and meeting your teachers on Zoom because of the Facui virus, some call it COVID-19, and the next you are writing a final signoff on a school newspaper you didn’t know existed until your junior year. Seniors of previous years used to tell me, “Cherish every moment, these four years will pass by quickly.” How can 1,378 days pass quickly I ask myself? Just one period of geometry alone feels like it lasts 53 of those days. After all these days of thinking, I’ve discovered it just does.
There’s no explanation for time, it just passes. I wish I could go back to my freshman year when I didn’t have a care in the world and wanted to hang out with my parents and race cars. Now, when I say I wish I could go back, I would do things differently, like not think I’m so tough when my glasses are crooked in my ID picture, but I wish I had the relaxed mindset that I did then.
There’s no changing a seating chart once a teacher assigns it, especially when you’re in chemistry. If any freshmen are reading this, lock in for chemistry, it’s not for the weak. Find some good friends like I did to help you, and an even better friend to let you copy their work. Now, did I copy anybody else’s work? That depends–if any administration reads this, then no. I found out that if you have a good seating chart and people who will be your friends no matter what, you’ll be just fine.
There’s no telling what sitting next to a stranger will do for you, especially when you’re so cramped in a small classroom with 20+ kids. Yes, Mr. Clark, this is about your class. No matter who you are sitting next to, make friends with them. Who knows what that friendship will turn into? I met my best friend because I sat next to a stranger. Did this person hate me at first because I would give them no room to move their chair? Maybe. But in the end, we have spent countless hours together and made many memories I will never forget. Sit next to that stranger and be social, it might change your life.
There’s no telling what the future holds so live every day to the fullest. Every day you wake up, thank the Lord above for another day. Make sure that you spend every day being grateful for everything you have. When you are sitting in traffic, be grateful that you have a car to be stuck in. When you walk into school every day, be grateful for the somewhat free education that MISD provides. Find the good in everything. Senior year will fly by, so take advantage of every single moment. When reading this, take some of these tips and school will be much better as well as your life.