Every year Legacy honors a member of the community with a week of celebration and fund raising through Legacy Uniting through Caring and Kindness Week or as it’s simply known, LUCK Week. This year’s LUCK Week will be March 2-6. The candidate for 2015 is Brooke Hester, a 7 year old girl that has been battling cancer.
For over half of Hester’s life she has fought stage IV neuroblastoma cancer. Now at age 7, Hester has gone through chemotherapy treatments, radiation, and surgeries one after another. Hester’s family constantly travels across the country in efforts to beat her cancer, a task that has been financially demanding.
A Go Fund Me account has been created to raise funds for Hester’s treatments. The Hester family has set their goal at $5,000 however student council teacher Sarah Ausdenmoore expects the Bronco Nation to raise much more.
“They only set a $5,000 goal,” Ausdenmoore said in an email to Legacy staff. “But I know that we can reach above that.”
Money raised from the Go Fund Me account as well as from the LUCK Week activities will be used to cover the medical expenses Hester’s family has been subjected to.
Traditional LUCK Week dress up days will be back this year. The daily schedule may be found below.
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Hawaiian Day
Wednesday: Dress for the Future (dress as your future career that you want)
Thursday: Hippie Day
Friday: LUCK Week shirt or Pink
There will also be a pep rally Friday, March 6. Student admission costs $1.
More information about Hester’s journey can be found at her website, BrookeFightsBack.org, or her online journal on CaringBridge.org. Students, staff and the community are being asked to share Hester’s story on social media.