Adriance Rhoades
Show choir members rehearsed for their show in the Legacy PAC February 15.
The Legacy Show Choir once again took home first place in the high school division sweepstakes at Duncan High School in Oklahoma. The multi-talented singers earned the show choir’s second sweepstakes win in two years. The show choir also won “Most Entertaining” and “Best in Class” at the competition held on Feb. 18.
Junior Tony Denson joined choir this year and already has an understanding of the prestige the choir program has.
“We were the team to beat since we won last year, and everyone was scared of us,” Denson said. “We have a reputation to withstand.”
The choir performed a set of five songs ranging from 1989 to 2014 including pop music hit “Team” by Lorde. Show choir not only sings but also accompanies songs with dance arrangements, a tiring challenge Denson happily took on.
“It’s really tiring, but you know, we work hard so there’s no time for tiring,” Denson said. “I figured out that I can actually dance, it was no problem for me.”
The competition is considered a warm-up for most high schools as they prepare for the final contest of their season, the Lonestar Invite at Keller Central High School. Denson feels confident the Legacy Show Choir will be able to earn the top honor of Grand Champion at the event.
“Compared to the other show choirs, they’re predictable,” Denson said. “Ours is really dark, its not what you expect.”