Photo courtesy TRW
The Theater program will be producing Taking Pictures and The Addams Family for their main shows this year.
The familiar ‘dun dun dun dun’ of the Addam’s Family theme song will soon fill the PAC’s cavernous auditorium as the theater program holds auditions for the musical interpretation of the hit TV show. Auditions for the Talking Pictures show will also take place in the PAC Monday. August 31. Following the success of Urinetown, Mr. Ferman looked for several options for this year’s shows.
“We tried to do something really unique and do Cinderella but weren’t able to get the rights to it,” Mr. Ferman said. “Addams Family was always on our radar and worked out because dark and quirky is our style.”
Students are asked to prepare a one minute comedic monologue to demonstrate their talents for the show. The open call auditions are open for any and all students at Legacy to participate. Mr. Ferman prefers to hold open call auditions to be able to see students that may not have space in their schedule for Theater.
“We want to see the talent the school has,” Mr. Ferman said. “Theater is unique in that you don’t have to be in class to be in the show which is important, people are multitalented.”
Call backs for Taking Pictures will take place Tuesday, September 1 while singing and dancing auditions for The Addams Family have been scheduled for Wednesday, September 2. Final callbacks for The Addams Family will be Thursday, September 3. Mr. Ferman encourages auditionees to practice and be prepared to work as a team.
“The expectation is for them to bring their best,” Mr. Ferman said. “Every year we are happy with what we get.”