Kyra Langston
Coach Rachel Ryan talks with the JV volleyball team during the Sept. 20 game against Waxahachie.
After 14 years teaching at Legacy, Ms. Rachel Ryan, AP English III and freshman english teacher left Legacy March 28 to join her husband and his new job in Arizona.
“We have a great life here in Texas and both really love our jobs here. So, it was easy to question whether or not it was worth uprooting that life to see what else was out there for us,” Ryan said.
With the days before the exam counting down, and the copious amounts of preparation required, Ryan had mixed feelings about the reactions she would receive regarding her news, as well as how she herself felt about the decision.
“I knew that the news would come as a surprise to my students, and I wasn’t really sure how they, or I, would react,” Ryan said. “The entire moving process has been a mixed bag of emotions because I am excited for this new adventure, but I am sad to leave this place where I have grown up.”
Although she announced her departure to her students recently, Ms. Ryan and her husband made the call back in November, so they’ve had a few months to process the change.
“Honestly, starting at a new job will be difficult. I am excited to learn from new people in a new environment, but that doesn’t come without its own apprehension and challenges,” Ryan said. “At Legacy, I know what is expected of me and I have really proven my ability, so starting over is a little scary.”

Ryan’s worries are not unwarranted, as her students share some of the same concerns about starting anew with a completely different teacher. While the last month prior to the AP exam will be spent writing, revising, and editing, Ms. Ryan’s input will be difficult to request in her absence.
“I expect her to do everything she can to prepare us before she has to leave since the workload will be heavy as we get closer to the AP exam,” junior Sarah Marstaller said. “However, I plan to do everything I can with the notes that she gave us, and if I have any questions, I will reach out to her for assistance.”
Despite her concerns, Ms. Ryan is optimistic about the success of her students. Ms. Kim, English I, Advanced English I and AP English III teacher, will assist the oncoming teacher with procedures, as well as help students with their AP Exam preparation.
“I am hoping that my students will use this time to feel empowered in their ability to be successful,” Ryan said. “Having Ms. Kim coming on board to assist in teaching AP Lang this year allows me to leave with confidence in the preparation that I know my students will receive.”
Apart from her questions, comments and concerns, Ms. Ryan has expressed an overall feeling of content for the change. She has taken time to prepare herself for the move, and her students for their futures.
“I think that always when making a big life decision, the question is whether or not you are doing the right thing. Ultimately, I know that often great things come with taking a risk,” Ryan said. “While I have felt some guilt, I hope that I am teaching my students how to approach change with a positive outlook and personal initiative.”