United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the WTC South Tower on Sept. 11, 2001. (From the 9/11 photos stream on Flickr Creative Commons.)
United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the WTC South Tower on Sept. 11, 2001. (From the 9/11 photos stream on Flickr Creative Commons.)

Remembering 9/11

September 11, 2024

It started off as an ordinary September day but quickly turned to smoke-filled skies and streets full of terrified people. As the people of New York City started their daily routines, they were interrupted by a horrific terrorist attack. This attack would devastate the nation and change it forever. Below is a timeline of the events that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001.

[Legacy Remembers 9/11]

7:59 a.m. – American Airlines Flight 11 takes off from Boston’s Logan International Airport. The airplane, a Boeing 767 on its way to Los Angeles, carries 92 people on board.

8:15 a.m. – United Airlines Flight 175 also takes off from Boston. This Boeing 767 heads to Los Angeles with 65 people on board.

8:19 a.m. – American Airlines ground personnel receive a call from the flight attendants aboard Flight 11 saying that their plane had been hijacked. American Airlines immediately notifies the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

8:20 a.m. – Another American Airlines Flight, Flight 77, takes off from Dulles International Airport outside of Washington, D.C. This Boeing 757 airplane carries 64 people.

8:40 a.m. – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) alerts North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) about the hijacking of Flight 11. In response, NORAD sends two fighter jets from Cape Cod’s Air National Guard Base to locate and follow Flight 11.

8:41 a.m. – Another United Airlines Flight, Flight 93, takes off from Newark International Airport in New Jersey. This Boeing 757, on its way to San Francisco, has 44 people aboard.

8:46 a.m. – American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into floors 93-99 of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. The crash killed everyone on board the airplane as well as hundreds of people inside the North Tower. The two fighter jets in charge of locating and following Flight 11 weren’t even in the air yet. Within seconds, the New York Police Department and the New York City Fire Department dispatch units to the World Trade Center.

8:50 a.m. – The White House Chief of Staff notifies President George W. Bush, who was visiting an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida, that an airplane had crashed into the World Trade Center.

9:02 a.m. – Port Authority officials orders both World Trade Center towers to evacuate.

9:03 a.m. – United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into floors 75-85 of the World Trade Center’s South Tower, killing everyone on board and hundreds of people inside the building.

9:08 a.m. – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), instructs that all takeoffs of flights going to New York be delayed until further notice.

9:24 a.m. – The FAA receives calls from family members of people on Flight 77 saying that their loved one’s flight had been hijacked. The FAA notifies NORAD.

9:37 a.m. – Hijackers aboard Flight 77 crash the Boeing 757 into the western side of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., killing 59 of the 64 people on board, and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the Pentagon.

9:45 a.m. – After rumors of continued attacks, the White House and U.S. Capitol buildings evacuate their citizens and personnel.

9:52 a.m. – The FAA grounds all flights over or en route to the United States. Around 3,300 commercial airplanes and 1,200 private airplanes are re-routed to airports in Canada and the United States.

9:59 a.m. – 56 minutes after the initial crash of Flight 175, the South Tower collapses.

10:07 a.m. – After learning about the other attacks, passengers and crew members aboard the hijacked Flight 93 attempt to retake the plane. In response, the hijackers crash the plane into a field in Pennsylvania, killing everyone on board.

10:28 a.m. – 102 minutes after the initial crash of Flight 11, the North Tower collapses.

6:58 p.m. – Bush returns to the White House and later addresses the nation, calling the attacks that occurred that day “evil, despicable and acts of terror” and announced that America would “stand together to win the war against terrorism.”

Based on History Channel’s “9/11: Timeline of Events”.

Where Were You?

Lower Manhattan is covered in smoke from terrorists attaches on 9/11. (From the 9/11 photos stream on Flickr Creative Commons.)

Where Were You?

“I was teaching at Mansfield High School at the time,” Mr. John Davis said. “It was in between classes and these kids came running in saying ‘They’re bombing New York!’ I pull in the TV, and I turn it on as the next class came in. We decided to watch it because it was history. It was very surreal. When the second plane hit, we thought it was a replay. It was crazy.”

Ms. Debbie Larimore was working at Worley Middle School at the time of the attack. She found out about the first plane crash when one of her co-workers asked for a television to watch the news. While Larimore and her co-worker watched, the second plane hit.

“I was crying,” Larimore said. “The whole world changed.”

That night, Larimore played Bunco with her friends and donated all the money to the Red Cross to help with the devastating damage done by the attack.



What’s Changed

What’s Changed

Several things have changed since the shocking and disastrous attack on the World Trade Center 13 years ago. Some changes are obvious while some the average civilian wouldn’t notice.

Airports: Airports throughout the United States made some major changes following 9/11. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has taken airport security to a higher level, including such measures as:

-Full-body screenings and increased pat-downs

-All baggage must be screened

-No liquids above 3.4 ounces allowed past the checkpoint

-Shoes must be taken off during the scanning process

-Thorough I.D. check before entering the terminal areas

-Cockpit to remain locked during the flight

-Federal Air Marshals to be put on certain flights

Emergency Services: During the events of 9/11, police, fire, and ambulance services from all over New York were dispatched to the scene. However, at the time none of them could communicate with one another. This made things challenging and slowed rescue missions. Today, each emergency service department is required to have a certain frequency which can be used to communicate with other emergency services.

Event Security: Whether it be major sporting events or concerts, stricter security has been put in place since 9/11. Large bags are checked before entering the site, and an increased number of security officers work these events.

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