Students bubble in Scantrons to take final tests. Image used with permission from flickr.com
Finals week begins Monday, June 2. Students are required to attend normal classes on the mornings of Tuesday and Wednesday and in the afternoon of Thursday. Students may only leave campus if they are exempting the final test in their respective block of the day. Also, students may not bring backpacks or bags larger than an iPad to school during the testing week.
Monday, June 2 will be a review day and testing starts on Tuesday, June 3.
Tests on Tuesday, June 3
Fifth period 10:50-11:35
Sixth period 11:40-12:25
Seventh period 12:30-1:15
Eighth period 1:20-2:05
Ninth period 2:10-2:55
Tests on Wednesday, June 4
Fifth period 10:50-11:35
Sixth period 11:40-12:25
Seventh period 12:30-1:15
Eighth period 1:20-2:05
Ninth period 2:10-2:55
Tests on Thursday, June 5
First period 7:25-8:10
Second period 8:15-9:00
Third period 9:05-9:50
Fourth period 9:55-10:45
Tests on Friday, June 6
First period 7:25-8:10
Second period 8:15-9:00
Third period 9:05-9:50
Fourth period 9:55-10:45
School will release early on Friday, June 6 at 11:25 a.m. Students may pick up a sack lunch if needed.