Megan Bell
5 things to do before the make up game against Mansfield Lake Ridge
The football game against Lake Ridge has been moved to 5:00 p.m. October 24 due to inclement weather, so what can you do in the meantime? Here’s five things to do before the Broncos take the field against Lake Ridge.
Get dry and prepare for more rain
More rain is forecasted for Saturday throughout the day as Hurricane Patricia makes its way into the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. Find that heavy raincoat that has been hiding since last spring’s torrential downpours and pack it for the game.
Get more pink
It is pink out after all, and what better way to show school spirit for the game than by filling the stands with pink. The color not only shows awareness for breast cancer research but it also shows the football players on the field that the Bronco student section is there and being loud and proud.
Prepare your body for the game
With Lake Ridge sitting at the top of 5A Region II District 14, there is no bigger game this season than the match up against the Eagles. The team will need all the screaming and shouting the fans can give. Get some sleep and eat a good breakfast before entering the front gates.
Use #IBelieveBroncosWillWin to support the team
Get the hashtag trending and encourage your favorite football player before the big game.
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The Rider Online will be giving you inside looks before, during and after the game. If you can’t make it to the game, refresh our feed often for score updates and more.