Mia Trahan
Tristian Adams, 11, rushes the ball down field and avoids defenders in a game against Everman.
As the wind carries a twisting tumult of screams and cheers along the pitch, junior Tristian Adams inhales a great burst of air to dissolve the scene around him. Though the season has hit the boys’ varsity soccer team hard with familiar chaos, Adams feels this has done little to take away from the enjoyment of the game.
“I think the season’s been going good,” Adams said. “We could have done more towards winning games, but overall, it’s been a good season.”
This general mood of content carries through the team all the way toward Coach Michael Keel, who in his first year as varsity coach feels that the team ethic remains better than ever.
“Their effort is very high, and they are working out very hard,” Coach Keel said. “There have been lots of bright spots this season.”
Besides the usual physical preparations that accompany any sport, Coach Keel believes something else acts as the true catalyst for the team’s success.
“Chemistry is most essential,” Coach Keel said. “When they can trust each other, they can count on one another to do what we want to do, and they’ve done a good job of that.”
Perhaps nobody has more direct influence on team chemistry than Adams, along with his fellow team captains junior Asher Stuart and senior Saul Gallegos. Together, they help lead the team by providing motivation on the pitch and at the weekly team dinners.
“I get along really well with all of them since most of us have been playing for multiple years,” Adams said. “We enjoy hanging out like before games in the locker room and stuff.”
All this bonding coupled with a seamlessly stitched team ethic helps fuel Coach Keels ambitions for this season.
“I am deeply encouraged by the potential this team has,” Coach Keel said. “Judging by this season boys’ soccer should be on the rise.”