How To Adult
School teaches the basics of math, science, geography and grammar, but what do you really need to know to be a successful adult?

How to Adult: Applying for Health Insurance

How to Adult: Best Computers for College
HP Envy 13 (Intel i5, Windows 11) The HP Envy is arguably the best notebook for college students with an 11-hour battery life and starting price of $799. Its lightweight and intuitive operating system, paired with an incredibly bright and vivid display make it a good option for educational and personal use. The Intel i5 processor is easily capable of daily use, and while it may not be great for photo...

How to Adult: Applying for FAFSA
FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and helps students with the financial burden of college. Some of the money earned via the FAFSA is a grant and does not have to be paid back, while other money may be a loan and will need to be repaid.

How to Adult: Parallel Parking
Parallel parking is an essential skill to driving in the city. It is a criteria on the driving test, and despite the numerous steps, can be learned and mastered easily. Parallel parking is most common in city instances, where one would have to park on either side of the street.

How To Adult: CPR Basics
CPR is an essential skill in life to learn, especially going into the medical field. CPR is simple, though it varies for adults and infants. Basic CPR can save one's life when administered timely and effectively.

How To Adult: Register To Vote
Voting in an election is a right and a civic duty. Make sure you are registered to vote and request an absentee ballot (when applicable) before the election day, and show up to your local polling place on the day of the election. All citizens of the US over the age of 18 are able to vote in public elections.

How To Apply To College
When applying to college, it's important to follow all steps to ensure you take advantage of all early-application or scholarship opportunities. Make sure to apply for FAFSA and send letters of recommendation to all colleges you apply to.

How to Adult: iOS 14 Update
With many new features to design your home screen exactly as you want to see it, make sure your phone is updated to iOS 14. Updates also make sure your phone is running smoothly and efficiently and keeping all your information secure.

How to Adult: Dealing With COVID-19
The threat of the COVID-19 virus has prompted schools across the country to cancel classes to prevent contamination among students. Mansfield ISD prolonged students’ spring break for three weeks, but that does not mean more time to go out with friends or family. Here is what to do and what not to do during this time. Do: Limit Time Outside the House Time off school does not mean go to the movies, tra...

How To Adult: Dealing With A Ticket
You’ve been pulled over for a routine speeding traffic stop. After attempting to respectfully explain the circumstances to the officer that authorized the traffic stop, you leave with a traffic citation. Getting Pulled Over First and foremost, don’t cry. Most police officers will automatically write a ticket because people try to cry their way out of tickets every day. Pull into a parking lot...

How to Adult: Opening a Savings Account
Learning to save money is a vital skill and starting early is a gift that keeps giving well into adulthood. A savings account is a basic type of bank account that allows you to deposit money, keep it safe, and withdraw funds, all while earning interest. When saved money earns interest in your account, the bank will make small additions to what is being held in savings, typically once a month. Explore your Options A 529 Colleg...

How to Adult: Budgeting
Adulthood and budgets go hand-in-hand. Whether the money comes from allowances or a job, everyone should practice a budget. Check out these tips to learn how to budget. Determine Monthly Income Figure out how much money you make weekly and add it up to determine your monthly income. Also, determine how much of that money goes to necessities like gas, rent and insurance. Needs vs Wants With you...

How to Adult: Social Media Etiquette
The appearance made on social media can determine the kind of friends that stick around, the way people get treated in public and the way future employers see their applicants. Social media plays a big part in our lives. A lot of teens act differently on Snapchat or Instagram not knowing the kind of effects it can have on their social life and their professional life in the future. Here’s how to...

How to Adult: Getting a Driver’s License
There are many steps to receiving your driver’s license. The process can be stressful if you are unaware of how to complete it. Below you can find out how to get your license according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. Complete a Driving Course To apply and participate in a course, you must be at least 14 years of age. Options are available to how you can take the course. The state of Te...

How to Adult: Handling a Traffic Stop
The red and blue lights and sound of the sirens behind you inflicts a nerve-wracking moment. But as a driver, most people will get pulled over at least once. Don’t Panic It might seem scary to hear the sound of the sirens and see the red and blue lights, but stay calm. Do not drive off in a hurry or perform any suspicious behavior. This could result in danger or worse, a casualty. Pull Over Find a safe area. ...

How to Adult: Writing a Professional Email
How to Write a Professional Email Use a Professional Email Address Avoid using inappropriate email addresses. They are labeled as unprofessional and can potentially disqualify you for a position. It’s a good idea to have your name in your email too. Stick to a Professional Font Avoid decorative fonts like Comic Sans or Old English. Use professional fonts like Times New Roman and Arial...

How To Adult: Handling A Car Accident
Accidents happen. Whether caused by you or another driver, you need to know what to do in the situation. Get off the highway The side of the highway is not a safe place to stop. When you get out to check the damage, you risk a reckless driver hitting you. It also causes a traffic jam and paramedics and police may not be able to get to you in a timely manner. So, if you have the option get off ...

How To Adult: Finding a Job
A job search can spark nerves or become stressful and many people do not know how or where to start. Find What’s Right Research different job titles, descriptions and companies. Deliberate about salaries, work schedules and essential needs. Have everything put together before a formal application starts. Know Your Qualifications Think realistic, do not expect a fancy, six-figure job as an inex...

How To Adult: Traveling
The world has much to offer, and what better way to reap its glory than travel. Traveling offers therapeutic benefits in addition to the fun-filled and thriller adventures packed in every country, city and continent. Wherever the destination, the mere experience of travel causes one to return back home and immediately want to leave again. Where to next you may ask? Tropical getaway or fun in the city?...

How To Adult: Basic Meals
Do you ever walk into the kitchen and think, “Wow, I feel hungry,” but instead of cooking a meal, laziness makes eating a bag of chips and a box of cookies the only option. If this experience seems strange, then good luck favors you. Yes, cooking seems stressful, but not all foods take over an hour to make. Some alternatives to chips that take less than an hour to make include: Macaroni ‘n�...

How To Adult: Dressing Appropriately
In any scenario whether a job interview, formal occasion, college or a job, clothing styles act as important factors our daily lives. Dressing appropriately can have a critical effect on self presentation. Taking into consideration of personal style, body type and the season of the year also helps to pull off the perfect look. Public In public you can dress in a casual form of freestyle, meaning...

How To Adult: College Visit 101
During high school, students should begin to think of where they want to go next. Start visiting colleges early to decide on what type of college fits best. Sometimes when touring a campus, students may not know what to ask. It’s a good idea to research beforehand and have questions prepared. Scholarship Benefits Each college has its own scholarships and grants; whichever college you visit may ...

How to Adult: Picking a College
When it comes to picking out a suitable college for yourself, many factors come into play such as location, tuition, distance from home and majors offered. Along with those factors, does the school have a football team? Do they have student organizations? What about housing options? Many tools exist online for students to narrow searches for colleges based on preferences. However, students often do n...

How to Adult: Surviving High School
Being a high school student, you may not know all the responsibilities that come with growing up. And with high school being a step closer to becoming and adult, underage students still want to receive as much real world experience they can. Down below are a few ways to prepare for your future. Get A Job Applying for a job helps not only your financial stability, but also gives you experience t...

How to Adult: Bitcoin (And Other Cryptocurrencies)
( does not endorse any of the mentioned cryptocurrencies, nor do we suggest you invest in any. Cryptocurrency is still in its infancy, and is very unpredictable. Make your best judgement before investing.) It’s the sensation that’s made every internet-dwelling millennial feel like mini wolves of Wall Street. It’s (sorta) easy to get, fun to watch and wildly unpre...

How to Adult: Voting as a Student
Of all the age demographics, college students have the lowest turnout at the polls. The young adult vote has been consistently underwhelming in every presidential election since 1962. Between the misconception that students are unable to vote while still at school, the general disillusionment with the current electoral system and the unfortunate reality that students don’t know how to vote in th...

How to Adult: Prom on a Budget
From the outfit, to the makeup, to the arrival, most teens dream of their prom where every little detail is perfect, unfortunately all the small details amount to hundreds of dollars extremely quickly. Slashing costs does not mean scrapping the dream of a perfect prom, but it does mean trimming the budget without it being obvious, as long the costs are cut in the right places. Girls O...

How to Adult: Organization Skills
As a high school student, you might not have great organizational skills. You might rush from class to class, so you don’t receive a tardy. Sometimes forgetting you had homework, a project, or reading due. To prevent this, you can fix your organizational skills. What you need : Keep a planner Using Dividers Setting Reminders Having a Study Group Binders Setting alarm...

How to Adult: International Travel
Traveling internationally for most people can be exhausting, a long list of responsibilities that if forgotten, will be detrimental to travel. As fun as exploring new places across the globe seems, the aesthetic that people see on Instagram of hours on airplanes and days in hotels too often becomes a nightmare to another ordinary person. Here’s some tips and tricks to ensure your international trave...

How to Adult: Black Friday
Black Friday may be the craziest shopping day of the whole year. There’s so much to expect that most people aren’t prepared for. Down below are a few ways to have the safest and most successful Black Friday possible: Make a list Already have an idea of what you’re looking for beforehand. This eliminates the time you’d originally spending trying to remember things to buy. Making...

How to Adult: Credit Scores
Understanding the basics of credit scores and credit reports have become an integral part of adult life in America. From the biggest to the smallest charges on a credit card, payment history factors into whether a person can get that new car or afford the downpayment on a new home. What is credit, and why does it matter? A three-number summary, the credit score displays the probability, inde...

How to Adult: Bank Accounts
Banks can often be a daunting insight into adult responsibilities, but the first step to conquering your bank account involves understanding the basics. Checking Accounts Odds are, if you have a job, you also have a checking account. This account allows you to deposit checks, make withdrawals and pay for day-to-day expenses. People usually hold the majority of their money in this account sin...

How to Adult: Setting Goals
With being an employed high school student, it is very important to set goals for yourself. Whether you’re a high school student or college graduate, everyone can set goals for themselves to plan their future. Although for some of us, procrastination can get in the way of us trying to be successful. Following these helpful hints, setting goals should be much easier when striving to get better. ...

How to Adult: Car Maintenance
No matter if the vehicle is new or old, they all need regular and well done maintenance in order to function to the best of its abilities, but many don’t know when or how maintenance is conducted. Oil Change Most manufactures and mechanics used to say your recommended oil change should be scheduled around every 3,000 miles, but presently, they recommend every 7,500-10,000 miles. Wh...

How to Adult: Talking About Politics
Small talk, as a rule of thumb, covers simple topics such as the weather and sports. They require minimum thinking or effort on an individual basis but allow for a plethora of ideas and expression. As one of the most crucial conversational skills, small talk not only builds interpersonal relationships between people through shared interests and values, bridging the gap separating “acquaintance” f...

How to Adult: Grocery Shopping on a Budget
Food: a shared necessity among humans everywhere. You have to eat. As an independent adult living alone, there comes a tremendous amount of responsibilities that did not exist as a teenager. It turns out that keeping yourself alive and healthy requires grocery shopping. In college and even after college, a real possibility of funds being tight arises. This makes frugality and budgeting a top pri...

How to Adult: Cleaning Social Media For a Job
There are numerous (hilarious) incidents of people finding things on social media they weren't meant to see. Sometimes they aren't funny, but there's a difference between getting fired at a pizza joint and not being hired to a great career. Not all colleges look at social media profiles for admissions, but they are able to take a quick look. Athletic programs and financial aid administrations are more likely to look at...

How to Adult: Insurance
Insurance tends to confuse young adults when heading into the real world. With it comes a long list of confusing words, a huge variety of types of insurance and different plans on each type. To help ease confusion, we’ve compiled a list of common terms and a brief description of a few types of insurance. To get started on the topic, here’s some terms you’ll need to know: Deductible- The a...

How to Adult: Using the Airport
Most adults are responsible for their own transportation for vacations, job interviews, family commitments and other reasons. Travelling through the airport can be a chaotic experience for first time flyers, especially when ground transportation may not be convenient for every situation. Transitioning into adulthood accompanies people with several required tasks and on that list is air travel. Whe...

How To Adult: Being Respectful
The definition of respect: feeling or showing deference or politeness. Respect will get individuals far in life. Respect sets people apart during a job interview, to an authority figure or anyone you would like to stand out for. Overall, showing respect mostly involves being aware of the feelings of other people and how you respond to them. Say please and thank you Please and thank you, two terms ...

How to Adult: Nutrition
Your body is a temple- so why does it seem so impossible to properly nourish and take care of? As our bodies grow and teenagers are left to feed themselves most of the time, it becomes our responsibility to monitor what goes into our bodies. While it would be fun to live off Takis and Whataburger for most of our lives, the fact is that a healthy diet with plenty of nutrients and variety helps humans to live a longer an...

How to Adult: Resumé
When it comes to being an adult, the largest prerequisite for any sort of adult endeavor is a source of income; a job. To get a job, one requirement always stands out: the mighty résumé. Often initially seen as intimidating, the résumé is nothing more than a mere piece of paper covered in words about yourself. WHERE TO START? First things first, you’re going to need some sort of way to make a d...

How to Adult: Eating Healthy
Most teenagers aren’t conscious of what they eat, which doesn’t always work out. Teenagers are often busy with other school activities and feel they don’t have the time to be healthy. Here are some health tips that won’t take too much time out of your schedule. Actually Exercise I hate exercising or any form of physical activity, but 1 hour of exercise every day is recommended for tee...

How to Adult: Reading Social Cues
Learning how to read people can be more beneficial than you’d think. Want to know if you’re nailing that job interview or if that cute boy likes you back? Reading body language and social cues allow people to read a others without them even knowing it. You may even spot a liar or two in the process. Thousands of books have been published about this topic, so if you're interested, I suggest reading...

How to Adult: Renting an Apartment
Parents want you to get out of the house? Looking for a place to live? No need for stressing, all you have to do (if you aren't ready to buy a house) is rent an apartment. It's actually not as complicated as it sounds. There are a few steps you should follow when deciding to rent an apartment: Find an apartment: This is probably the most crucial step in the whole process. If you have no idea w...

How to Adult: Preparing for an Interview
Preparing for an interview can be stressful. Picking out what to wear, when to show up, or how to present yourself all determines whether you make or break your chance of getting the job. Here are a few things you can do to prepare for a job interview. Dress nice but not too nice: It’s always nice to present yourself the right way. Whether it’s going to impress someone or simply just going o...

How to Adult: Studying in College
Roger Mancastroppa, associate director at the Academic Skills Center at the University of Richmond, thinks prior to college, students have been taught memorization is the best way to achieve success. Instead, Mancastroppa suggests students should start thinking and studying using more of a critical thinking model rather than memorization. Studies show on average a high school senior studies abo...

How to Adult: Laundry
One of the most common chores that must be done in your household is the washing, drying, folding and putting away of laundry. Over the years, laundry has advanced in so many different ways. Believe it or not, those pretty stainless steel machines that took you three minutes to load didn’t use to exist. Here are some of the supplies and basic steps in the process of getting freshly clean cloth...

How to Adult: Time Management
Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. Each person on this earth has the same 24 hours in a day, so how can some people seem to accomplish more than others? Steps to managing your time: Areas of improvement: First, find the areas where ...

How to Adult: Small Talk About Sports
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you don’t care about sports, which is totally okay, but you’re missing out on one of the greatest ways to make small talk in the world. I’m going to break down sport-by-sport on what to say if someone, whether it be a relative, your significant other, your significant other’s relatives or a complete stranger. Here’s how to pretend to care about sports. In or...

How to Adult: Be An Optimist
Following these tips can be very difficult and will take a lot of willpower. Changing the way you think takes time and patience, but it will be worth having a happy brain filled with positive thoughts. It’s just like a diet — if you really want the results, you'll follow the program. Adding just one new habit could be enough to make a noticeable change. Compliment People This can be difficult, especially...
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