How to Adult: Organization Skills

Lean how to get tasks done without getting swamped.

Lean how to get tasks done without getting swamped.

As a high school student, you might not have great organizational skills. You might rush from class to class, so you don’t receive a tardy. Sometimes forgetting you had homework, a project, or reading due. To prevent this, you can fix your organizational skills.


What you need :

  • Keep a planner
  • Using Dividers
  • Setting Reminders
  • Having a Study Group
  • Binders
  • Setting alarms (Time Management)
  • Sticky notes
  • Have something that reminds you of it

If you have a planner, you can keep track of all of your classes and work due. You will also know of impending events, job interviews, etc. so you don’t fall behind or forget about it. You can do this digitally (using an app), on paper or in an actual planner.

If you put all your papers in one place, like shoving them in your backpack, you may never find what you need again. Keeping dividers or separate folders for every subject will prevent you from losing homework or other important papers.

Set reminders to know when you need to start when you should be done doing something or to simply remind you of an assignment, project or event.

Study Groups
Not only will groups help you with school work, but they’ll also remind you of any work you have due soon. Just send a quick message to anyone from your study group and you’ll be covered if you don’t remember something class-related.

Keeping a binder will help you keep track of all of your items and not misplace them. However, a binder without dividers should be avoided since you end up losing or not finding certain papers whenever you need them.

Setting Alarms
Putting a set time for when you should be done with something will help you complete everything on time, thus reducing procrastination. If you finish all work a day or so before it’s due, it will prevent stress you receive from overworking yourself (starting a project the night before it’s due would be a good example).

Sticky Notes
Writing a quick note and sticking it to somewhere you always look will almost guarantee that you will not forget what you wrote down.

Have Something That Reminds You Of It
Whether you write on your hand that you need to complete something or tie a paper with a string to your finger so you can come back and look at it later, having something to symbolize importance is a tried and true method of remembering things.


Being organized is an essential skill for success. No organizational skills could lead to a slippery slope of problem. Try adopting these skills now to save your future self. They’ll certainly thank you for it.


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