Photo by Megan Novak

Carson Chlup, 10, practices the marimba during band practice after school.




Why We Do It
“I really enjoy improving at something I get to also have fun with. I love the experiences I have from marching band and football games.” Blake Crosslin, 10

Time/Days/Where We Meet
First, Third, Fifth, and Seventh block during school days and after school on the marching field Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 4:00-7:00.

What Other Students Think We Do
“Other students think we work out in the sun to put together a show to perform for halftime under the Friday night lights.” Mark Sanchez, 11

What Our Parents Think We Do
“My parents think I just run around a parking lot or a football field for a few minutes while I play my instrument.” Alyssa Holland, 12

What We Really Do
“We make a difference in the world. We lift one another up through positivity and help each other accomplish goals that are too great for us to do alone. We want to change our world and will start by changing ourselves.” Andrew Nance, Head Band Director

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