Senior choir students welcome incoming freshmen with a breakfast.

Photo by Ryland Mallett

Senior choir students welcome incoming freshmen with a breakfast.



Why We Do It
“I enjoy choir because I am surrounded by an amazing group of people who all share a love of music like I do. Whenever I’m having a bad day, I know I can always find love and positivity in the choir room.” Jennilee Johnson, 12.

Time/Days/Where We Meet
Chamber choir meets during second period, varsity women’s choir meets during third period, men’s ensemble meets during fifth, concert choir meets during sixth and show choir meets eighth. 

What Other Students Think We Do
“They thought all we did was sing and dance.” Jennilee Johnson, 12.

What Our Parents Think We Do
“My parents realize all the hard work and hours of practice it takes, but I don’t know if they really know how mentally and physically tiring it can be.” Jennilee Johnson, 12.

What We Really Do
“We create pieces of art through unity, hard work, and friendship.” Sarah Weissen, 12

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