Captain Abby Walker leads the Silver Spurs in a performance during the football game against Wichita Falls.

Photo by Mckenna Collier

Captain Abby Walker leads the Silver Spurs in a performance during the football game against Wichita Falls.

Drill Team

Drill Team

Why We Do It
“Mostly because everyone just enjoys dancing.” Edith Garcia, 12.

Time/Days/Where We Meet
They meet during 6th period and after school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:15 to 4:15. 

What Other Students Think We Do
“Others think we’re on the team for attention and drama but they’re way off.” Ariel Cano, 12.

What Our Parents Think We Do
“Just dance all the time.” Edith Garcia, 12. 

What We Really Do
“Drill team encourages and helps our girls to form into strong and confident young ladies. We set an example as students here at Legacy. We are here to help and volunteer for any events, students, and our sports teams.” Ariel Cano, 12.

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