
Photo by Amara Shanks

Jaylen Gantt, 11, hands the ball off to his teammate during a scrimmage game against Ennis.


Why We Do It
“I play football because I love the game and my teammates.” Justin Crawford, 12. 

Time/Days/Where We Meet
During 3rd/5th period and after school Monday through Friday from 3:15 to 5:00 at the football field. 

What Other Students Think We Do
“They think we lift weights all the time and just joke around. They probably think we’re all about ourselves too.” Johnathan Segujja, 12.

What Our Parents Think We Do
“Our parents think we work hard during the period and practice and put in a lot of hours.” Caden Butler, 11. 

What We Really Do
“We play around and dance a lot more than you think, but we also learn plays half of the time.” Ore Adeyi, 11.

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