Student Body President, Sadie Johnson hangs a sign for the 80's dance.

Photo by Tori Greene

Student Body President, Sadie Johnson hangs a sign for the 80’s dance.

Student Council


Student Council

Why We Do It
“StuCo is ultimately a tool for the students to use when they need assistance. We provide them with information about upcoming events which we plan according to what they ask for. We wouldn’t exist without the student’s voice and we highly encourage them to give us feedback and request changes that they feel are necessary.” Amber Trammell, 11.

Time/Days/Where We Meet
Every 3rd or 8th block for officers. Members meet every other Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.

What Other Students Think We Do
“I believe the student body thinks we work very hard and that we give our all. I also think the student body knows we’re very passionate about helping other people and being a leader.” Serena Noureddine, 11.

What Our Parents Think We Do
“They know we plan most of the events that happen at school. They also know we sell and design the spirit shirts.” Rylea Fields, 10.

What We Really Do
“In student council, we create events students can attend as well as do spirit weeks to raise school spirit. We also support other extracurricular activities like sports, arts, and clubs. We try to make everyone feel like they belong and have a place at Legacy.” Loyce Juiye, 11.

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