Students play a team building activity during the Teen Leadership class.

Photo by Madison Brown

Students play a team building activity during the Teen Leadership class.

Teen Leadership

Teen Leadership

Where/How Often They Meet
4th Block

What People Think We Do
“When my neighbor found out that I was a Teen Leadership teacher, he asked me, ‘What do you do all day?’ People think that I don’t do anything.” Mrs. Daniel, Teen Leadership teacher.

What We Think We Do
“Learn how to become better people in society and have more confidence in ourselves.” Nancy Figueroa, 11.

What Our Parents Think We Do
“My parents don’t really know what I do,” Nancy Figueroa, 11.

What We Really Do
“I plan a lot of school events with students. Teen Leadership is about life lessons, it’s an important class to take.” Mrs. Daniel, Teen Leadership teacher.

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