So I’ve done a little bit of investigative journalism and I’m calling Denny’s out. And although both local restaurants and corporate offices claim they know nothing about it, I believe the free grand slam will soon return. Last year on the Tuesday after the Super Bowl Denny’s gave away roughly 2 million of them. And correct me if I’m wrong, they did so the year before that too. I’ve missed out before, but this year I’m looking to get in on this.
Last year they ran the ad during the Super Bowl. Needless to say, I’m not a very sporty guy and I’m definitely not one to sit through lengthy commercials. Because I’d rather not watch television all day Sunday, I called a few local establishments and like I said, they “know nothing”. Then I phoned a few corporate offices. I spoke with a woman, whom I asked if she could confirm the free Denny’s. This was her reply: “I don’t know. Maybe you could watch the Super Bowl and find out,” If that isn’t enough evidence, I don’t know what is.
My best guess is that Denny’s will once again hold the offer on Feb. 9, the Tuesday after the Super Bowl, from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. My advice is to make sure to get there early, bring a lot of friends and tip those waitresses well. I know it’s early but, for free food, it’s well worth it.
Alex Jantz • Feb 8, 2010 at 1:45 pm
I saw the commercial during the super bowl. The Grand Slam thing is true.