Always Wear an I.D.– Wearing an I.D. may seem unnecessary at first, but it will quickly be learned that they are more important than they seem. If caught without an five dollars, a tardy and potentially a detention are in the near future. AP’s and teachers are watching for students without an I.D. on so follow the rules.
Know the School– Being able to navigate the school becomes essential to survival in the high school setting. Knowing the locations of the AP offices, restrooms and classes will make life easier. Also, learn the hallways. Certain hallways tend to be more congested than other;s and can determine whether one misses or makes the bus.
Don’t Be That Guy– Refrain from being loud, obnoxious, annoying or rude. Not everyone is friendly and welcoming, that’s not reality. Realize it’s time to grow up and the actions that were acceptable in middle school may no longer be acceptable in high school. Make sure to take off any façades when entering high school, people don’t appreciate masks.
Study Habits– Studying in high school becomes integral to making good grades and keeping large work loads in check. However, what works well for one, may not work well for another. Trial and error is key to finding the best personal way to study.
Homework– Homework presents itself throughout the entirety of school. Where it differs from middle school to high school in the amount. In most classes, daily homework should be expected, especially in Pre-AP and AP classes. Doing this homework is important to fully understanding the class material and ultimately passing the class.
Extracurriculars/Clubs– Joining a club or extracurricular, while not required, happens to be a fun way to become immersed in the high school life. They are a great way to meet new people and branch out. Many extracurriculars are offered, including band, choir, theater, and journalism. Numerous clubs are also offered, like book club, chess club, BASIC, and FCA.
Sporting Event Conduct– The conduct expected at a sporting event is not unlike that of the school day. Students are expected to follow the same dress code, even at the games. All school rules are to be followed, no matter where the event takes place. Even if it isn’t at school, games are still a school sponsored function and should be treated as such.