Before I come up with solutions to your problems on Valentine’s Day, take a short quiz.
[see the guys’ perspective here]
1) What do you expect on Valentine’s Day?
a. My boyfriend will get me exactly what I wanted without me even telling him!
b. I’ll probably tell him what I want and just go eat Chilli’s or something. No big deal.
c. I hate Valentine’s Day.
d. Nothing. I don’t have a boyfriend.
2) When your boyfriend/date asks you what you want for Valentine’s Day, your response is….
a. “I don’t want anything” but you actually are fishing for a surprise
b. “You don’t have to get me anything” just to make sure he doesn’t feel obliged to get you a present
c. Whoever asks me, I’ll just punch them in the face or laugh at them and walk off.
d. Who would ask me that? I DON’T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?
3) Where do you want to eat with your boyfriend/date?
a. My choice. Maybe Olive Garden or Red Lobster. Something fancy!
b. His choice. I don’t care as long we’re both happy and it isn’t in a ridiculous price range.
c. I hate Valentine’s Day.
d. No one, since I don’t have a boyfriend! But I’d go with a couple of friends to a restaurant somewhere nice.
4) How do you expect the day to end?
a. We’ll go to the movies and he’ll get me jumbo pop corn with the largest cup of Dr. Pepper!
b. Probably watch a movie at home
c. I’ll yell with glee because this dreadful day is over!
d. Probably watching a rerun of Jersey Shore.
Mostly a’s – You need a lot of help. You have extremely high expectations that will NOT be met unless your boyfriend is whipped. Even if that, I’ve ever met a guy that is willing to watch The Notebook or Valentine’s Day. Either, you are very pampered by your parents and expect the same from your date, but don’t.
My advice: My mom always tells me to think worse case scenario so that way you’re not disappointed. He probably won’t get the premium heart-shaped box of chocolates, or the largest, fluffiest, cutest stuffed animal, so don’t be expecting it. You’re high expectations will be replaced with disappointment and embarrassment since you told all your friends what you “knew” what you were getting.
Mostly b’s – You’re the idealistic date! Now, I would suggest asking for more since it’s a huge day in the nation, practically the only day you can get away with asking for a lot, but then that would probably ruin your relationship. But if you’re legitimately happy with how your Valentine’s Day ends, then you don’t need my advice.
My advice: If you want to change things up a bit, just be honest with him and tell him you would like to do at least one thing nice. Like go to a cute movie or a nicer place than Chilli’s. I’m sure he will understand. Unless he has no money, sorry girlfriend.
Mostly c’s – You’re probably a boy taking the quiz or you’re a girl with a bitter opinion of Valentine’s Day either because it’s too costly for you, you had a bad experience on Valentine’s Day, you recently went through a break up, or lastly, you are just a negative person and genuinely hate Valentine’s Day.
My advice: Don’t reflect upon this holiday as useless. Even if it seems that way, don’t take your anger out on couples or your friends that are actually doing something for Valentine’s Day. You can be a bummer to them. I can’t change your mind, but that doesn’t mean go around as the Valentine’s Day Ebenezer Scrooge.
Mostly d’s – You’re me! Desperate for a boyfriend or just upset by the fact that you’re celebrating the Nation’s Day of Love alone. Sure you have amazing friends to spend it with, but c’mon, we all know you’re secretly dying inside. Especially when you go somewhere to a restaurant with friends and all you notice are couples.
My advice: Don’t let it get to you. You’re young. You’ll appreciate this day more once you are finally married or have a serious boyfriend since you didn’t always have a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. Also, DON’T hire a guy for the day to pretend to be your boyfriend or just go out with a guy just to be with someone on Valentine’s Day. Trust me, I’ve been there. Well, not actually…but mentally, I have.
Jamie • Mar 5, 2012 at 9:23 am
I got mostly C’s…..wasnt suprised in the least. Did have good advice and was a very well written article
Kymber • Feb 13, 2012 at 9:29 pm
I got mostly C’s. Honestly, who’s surprised?
But on a real level, this is a great story and your advice is spot on. Good job VictoEria.