As a teenager my life revolves around school, work, chores and music. Although the same handful of songs come on the radio on a daily basis, I tend to keep my mind closed off to anything that I do not know. I suppose you could say I am almost as picky about my music as I am with my food. When I was asked to listen to a few of the songs on Trevor Jackson’s album #NewThang, I all but turned up my nose.
There are many people out in this world that have amazing talents and get absolutely no credit for them. This album proves that. When I put my headphones in my ears, I was pleasantly surprised. The beat of the music instantly had my attention. I felt as if I was sitting in the front seat of my car listening to 104.5 with the windows down. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit, but the music was unbelievably catchy.
Jackson’s voice has a sound to it that can either be played at a party or used to put someone to sleep. No matter the circumstance, his songs are perfect to listen to. Coming from someone who doesn’t listen to anything but the mainstream radio stations, this statement from me says a lot.
Although the songs are exciting and fairly uplifting, they all have the same kind of music. I would have liked to hear a bit more variety. Not only that, but the wow factor that generally sets artists apart seems to be missing. He sounds like most of the other R&B singers out there. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Jackson has no talent. If anything, for being as good of an artist as he is, I’m surprised that he has managed to fly by under the radar for as long as he has. I just wish that the background music in every song would have sounded at least a little different than the last.
If I had to choose which one of the songs on the #NewThang album I like the best, I have no idea what I would say. While at work, cleaning my room and even before I fall asleep, I find myself singing along to Jackson’s songs. If I absolutely had to choose, I would probably have to say the Drop It Remix ft. B.o.B. is my favorite. It was good to hear someone that I was familiar with.
It was probably good for me (as much as I hate to admit it) to try listening to something different than I’m used to. Having said that, I will probably go back to the same closed-mindedness I have always seemed to have, but listening to Trevor Jackson’s new album has expanded my musical taste buds.