Christian Hip-Hop artist Lecrae has received love from fans as well as criticism from some in pop culture. Now, with the unannounced release of his latest mixtape, Church Clothes 3, he has surprised loyal listeners and critics everywhere.
After his release of “Anomaly” in 2014, the rap icon announced that he would be writing a book and taking a short break from releasing albums. With only a few guest appearances on other projects, the whole of 2015 was pretty uneventful for Lecrae. But in January 2016, the two-time Grammy winner let loose his third installment of Church Clothes on the unsuspecting world.
The album features a mix of dynamic beats and elegant wordplay, with a few tracks reminiscent of R&B and Soul Music. But one unifying factor stands out; Lecrae’s worldly experiences being seen through the eyes of a changed man. Songs such as Gangland, a coarse and heavy short history of the gangs, Deja Vu, a smooth and soulful look at the world through the eyes of a Christian, and Freedom, a rough and bluesey attack at things that enslave, all address the sin rampant in the world, such as crooked cops, prostitution/pornography and racism. Other tracks include Cruising, which follows a normal day in Lecrae’s life, It Is What It Is, a fun sound with some great wordplay, basically telling his critics and haters that he doesn’t care about their opinions, and I Wouldn’t Know, reminiscent of KB’s album “Tomorrow We Live”, fitting, because of his appearance in this song.
All in all, I really enjoyed this album. I’m always a sucker for some deep, biting wordplay and truth presented in an accessible and enjoyable form. I also love it when and artist proclaims Jesus in a way that the world can’t help but listen to. Church Clothes 3 has it all. I wasn’t all that impressed with Anomaly, Lecrae’s earlier album, because I felt like he was straying from the Gospel, and maybe even conforming to the pattern of the world (Romans 12:2). But the combination of this mixtape and his new book (coming soon), it becomes pretty obvious that Lecrae chooses to live life Unashamed of the Gospel by listening to his music.
I was also challenged by songs like Sidelines and I Wouldn’t Know. My faith in my Jesus is on display for the whole world to see. What am I saying about my God by the way I live my life? Am I glorifying Him, or myself? Listen up. Maybe Jesus has a question that He’s asking you. And while you look for that answer, give Church Clothes 3 a listen. You will be amazed at what God can do.
Allan • Jan 31, 2016 at 4:23 pm