Looking at Halloween costumes ideas online and getting the same array of the basic things people dress as every year can cause a streak of dissatisfaction, uncreative thoughts and turns costume parties into more of a look alike contest. From dressing up with a group as social media to an ordinary cat, the same tired and overused ideas pop up. Though you do not have to conform to these costumes society uses to try and fit in.
B – Positive
Some will not understand this punny costume, but when they do it will feel like pure bliss. Those who understand will think of you as a genius for something so simple. With this costume you will use a lot of fake blood, but then you go around and tell people nice things and hype them up. You look like B- positive blood and you expel positivity.
Raining Men (Hallelujah)
What you will need for this costume consists of an umbrella, plastic men, and a halo. The basis of this costume from “It’s Raining Men,” by the Weather Girls, a very popular and well known song from the (Time). This costume also potentially can go over people’s heads because of the pun properties, an explanation might have to follow. The creativity of it all though trumps any hassle you will experience.
The Hex girls
This cute trio costume has not gotten come around enough. The Hex Girls, a punk girl
band, made a featured appearance in the movie Scooby Doo and the Witch’s Ghost. If you have grown tired of doing the basic group girl costumes like superhero shirts with tutus, I highly recommend this costume. This option has an even bigger appeal in that you will not match with hundreds of middle school girls. To create Thorn’s look you will need red lipstick and eyeshadow, heavy eyeliner, a long black and red wig and a floor length black and red dress. For Dusk you will need green lipstick and eyeshadow, a blonde wig in pigtails and a green dress. Luna wears red lipstick and eyeshadow, a red wig and a purple dress.
Life alert
A humorous and creative group costume. One person dresses up as life alert while the rest dress up as elderly people. As you go down the street together or at costume parties you can act like the life of the party and brighten people’s day with humor. To get others to fully appreciate this costume have the people dressed as elderly women fall and scream the catch phrase, “I’ve fallen and can’t get up.” Right after life alert will help them up and move on to the next group of unsuspecting pedestrians.
Famous serial killers
The amount of cutesy costumes over run the scary ones. Honestly when you dress a seven year old up as a vampire or a witch it loses the scare factor. Dressing up as serial killers like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Aileen Wuornos will not only be different be will also go to the heart of what halloween should consist of. For this costume you do not necessarily need to dress as a famous serial killer, you could go the simple route and just carry around a fake knife or chainsaw and wear a creepy mask.
Murder Victims
If you are into makeup then this will be a perfect costume. You can create a fake gun wound or your skin melting off to make the effect real. It goes well with the the famous serial killer idea and could be used as a group costume. This makes for a simple costume and will not cause you to spend a fortune. You can make everything you need with household items. With an old shirt you do not wear anymore you can cut it up, make it dirty and even put cheap fake blood on it.
Westley and Princess Buttercup
Couple costumes can get to the point of almost sickening. From the overdone peanut butter and jellies to Harley Quinn and the Joker all of these “cute” costumes are generic. Doing iconic characters from a satire, The Princess Bride, makes for a perfect couple costume different from everybody elses. Westley’s outfit consists of all black, a flowy and thin peasant shirt, tights (or just black jeans), boots, a mask that covers your eyes, and a sword. Buttercup has a simple look, a long red flowy dress with a brown belt.
Teen Titan
Commonly groups dress up as superheroes go with the basic superman, batman, and wonder woman, so to step out of a narrow-minded category pick a team not so mainstream. The Teen Titans consist of Robin, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, so for a group of five this can be an ideal costume. This costume also has the appeal of including both male and female choices. Robin, the most know of the five, wears his normal sidekick outfit with green tights and gloves, red shirt with an “R” on it, and a yellow cape. For Starfire purple is her go to color with a a short purple crop top, a purple mini skirt, and purple thigh high boots. Cyborg has a more complicated look since he is half robot half human. Beast Boy you will a lot of green paint as well as a purple and black long sleeved one piece with silver gloves and belt. Raven has the darkest and most fitting look for halloween with a black leotard, a purple cloak, purple boots and a gold and red belt.
Johnny Depp’s Characters
Johnny Depp has been over in 64 movies some of his most know consist of Pirates Of the Caribbean, Edward Scissorhands, Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The variety of the characters Depp has played gives you numerous possible costume ideas, and this can turn into a creative group costume. You can mix whatever movies you want in the group ranging from his lesser known movies to his Golden Globe winning performances.
Basic Costumes
These costumes, seen every Halloween, show up all over everyone’s pinterest and can be expected at every event. You know the costumes, most of them involve a tutu and t-shirt. Some have been around for years, others just rising to popularity because of middle school girls. Some of them seem genius, but overuse makes them basic and not creative. At all.
Tutu super heros
The go-to costume for any girl wanting to fit in with half of the population. This costume consists of a t-shirt displaying the logo for a superhero that she probably has never seen and comics she’s never read. In addition to the t-shirt, a tutu used for any and every dress up activity, identical to every middle school girl matches the superhero’s colors.
Social media
You know them, the popular group of girls that spend a total of five dollars on the t-shirt with a social media platform on the front. This costume took over everyone’s Pinterest and instagram feed for the last few years. It’s origin unknown along with it’s reason of popularity. The costume usually includes a lot of glitter, a shirt they made the night before with the social media logo of choice, matching tutus (because every costume needs tutus apparently) and black leggings.
Probably the easiest and most traditional costume on this list. The costume consists of eye-linered whiskers and triangle nose, headband with ears and all black attire. Ranges from ages five to 55.
Scooby doo gang
Scooby dooby doo, where are you? Wait, there they are, around every street corner. The gang populates the street during trick or treat, the four characters dress up to the best of their abilities. The quality of them depends on how basic the budget. The costume, perfect for the most basic family.
Angel and devil
The perfect couple costume, guaranteed to get a few eye rolls. The classic angel and devil uses one halo, two devil horns and two dresses, one white and one red.
Snapchat filter
A costume rising to popularity just in the past year, sweeping over middle and high school age girls who don’t decide what to wear until the night before. The costume doesn’t require much effort on the clothing part, however hours of getting the makeup right will consume the time before the event. Also, with different filters to choose from, a variations of the costume will come about.
Harley Quinn and the Joker
Either executed well or poorly. This costume skyrocketed in popularity after the movie Suicide Squad came out. The couple, seen as ‘goals’ to society, displays a unhealthy, toxic relationship, yet still the costume continues to appear. The costumes can range from, yet again, a t-shirt and jeans to a full out costume with hair and makeup to match. Many can go from somewhat conservative to revealing.
Mario and Luigi
Our childhood video game heros in real life. The overalls, hat and moustaches make this costume easier to make and execute. Whether using a tutu or classic overalls this costume for some reason iconically shows up at every halloween party.
M & M’s
On sale at party city for $32.99, if any remain. During Halloween m&m’s take over the world, it seems everyone loves them on this one day. This costume consists of white gloves, an m&m draped over shoulders like an advertisement for a flash sale and whatever you’d like underneath. Other versions of this costume can include just painting a t-shirt with jeans or yet again, a tutu of the matching color. The M&M costume can range from extravagant to simple or blow up plastic to a t-shirt and jeans.
Any disney princess ever
This costume leaves room for the imagination, yet the creativity factor lacks. Either dressed up or totally casual by wearing a t-shirt the color of the princess. Childhood dreams of becoming a disney princess fulfilled by pretending to be them for one night. The casual, easiest easiest version of the costume consists of a t-shirt with jeans, or even more popular, tutu with a tiara. Other versions of a princess will include a dress, heels and bigger tiara. Of course, another way to display a princess is to just act like yourself because everyone deserves to be a princess.