“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” takes the Deetz family home to Winter River after an unexpected tragedy. Still haunted by Beetlejuice, Lydia has to figure out how to put up with Beetlejuice in her mind causing her to see visions of him, plus she has a daughter who is unsure of her mother’s abilities. With humor and a touch of romance, the film was entertaining.
The dark, fantasy, comedy film was directed by Tim Burton, and was released Sept. 6, 2024. He is known for his unique style in the film industry, making this his 20th film to direct. It was released 36 years after the first movie, “Beetlejuice”. “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” made more money in its opening weekend than the first movie with $110 million.
One of the interesting things about this film is that there are a couple of small storylines going on including Lydia’s struggles with Beetlejuice and Astrid’s disbelief of her mom seeing and being able to talk to the dead. All the characters have their problems and then come together at the end. It shows how they deal with their situations while also having each other to worry about.
Michael Keaton returns as Beetlejuice, Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz, Catherine O’Hara as Delia Deetz, and Jenna Ortega, who is new, as Astrid Deetz, Lydias’ daughter. Both Lydia and Astrid struggle with their relationship toward each other, and I think the actresses portray their relationship well. Along with Delia who understands what both the girls are going through since she had a stepdaughter who she was not close with. All the characters have such good chemistry, especially Ortega with her being new to the cast.
Another outstanding and main part of this film is the music. The iconic “Day-O” written by Harry Belafonte which the children sing at the funeral. That song has become a famous part and made a very iconic scene for the first film, so it only made sense to bring it back. Along with that, they brought back dancing and lip-syncing to “MacArthur Park” by Jimmy Webb which is one of the best scenes in this movie.
In the end, the comedy part of the movie was enjoyable and amusing. The outcome of this movie shows how much work everyone put into this film. Tim Burton shows just how good he is at directing with just this movie alone. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes dark fantasy and a little bit of comedy, or if you love any of Tim’s movies you should consider watching this one.