Veterans Day: the day we celebrate and honor our veterans who have fought for our country. This day happens to impact the lives of many people and there’s still a few things people don’t know about the holiday. Down below are a few facts about Veterans day.
Veterans Day traces back to World War 1
The holiday originated as “Armistice Day” honoring the first year World War 1 had ended. Seven months earlier, fighting with Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Because World War 1 marked the “The war to end all wars”, the government thought it was only necessary to pass a bill on the 11 day of the 11th month.
Veterans Day is nationally celebrated
Because the holiday was later renamed and celebrated across the United States, other nations picked up the holiday as well. France, Britain, Canada, and Australia also honor World War I and II veterans on or near November 11.
Ceremonies are held
The president participates in a Veterans Day ceremony held at exactly 11 a.m. The ceremony is held at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
Veterans increase drastically every year
The total of Veterans in the United states totals to about 21.9 million currently. Women carry 2 million of the Veteran population currently.
Three states hold more than 1 million veterans
As of 2014, one of the three states that has over 1 million veterans living in Texas. Texas holds 1.7 million of the population.