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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media


  • How do I get involved with Legacy Journalism? – Freshmen and sophomores must take Journalism I. Juniors and seniors can show a writing, photo or video portfolio to the adviser for staff consideration.
  • Did you know you have a typo in a story?Yes, we know they’re there. We put them there just for you to complain about. Thank you for reading our publication! Now pick up a red pen and meet us at the journalism room after school to proof, Mr. Perfect.
  • What happened to the print edition? –Our department is poor. The online paper is cheaper, cooler and can be updated at anytime, not just every six weeks. While we love our print paper like you do, times are changing.
  • Why isn’t my comment on a page? -It may not have been approved or you may have broken one of our rules (see our policy page). Most common reason is, you didn’t leave your name and email. Be nice enough to tell us who you are.
  • Does Dr. Bonneau read content on this site? -Dr. Bonneau has a great working relationship with us. We’ll gladly run anything controversial by her. She doesn’t censor because she’s cool that way. Most of the stories are “news to her” too.
  • Does anyone really read this stuff? -Well, yes. We’re sure a lot of the 300 individual hits a day are staffers, other people are reading it as well. In fact, we average 2,000 “absolute unique vistors” a week and over 5,000 page views a week. There aren’t that many students in journalism!
  • Why can’t I comment on videos? -It’s a choice we had to make. Allow you to comment or have a cool looking interface. We choose the interface over you. But don’t worry. If you click the link at the top of the video, you can leave comments on the Vimeo site.
  • Do you really need to interrupt class for interviews?Unless you want a bunch of nerdy journalism kids with your cell phone number, yes.  Really, how else are we going to get great stories about our student body?
  • Are these really Frequently Asked Questions? -No. We left out all the dumb ones.
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