Senior-class sponsor Stephanie Shackelford came up with the idea to decorate ceiling tiles in order to raise money for Prom. The original idea of decorating parking spots was declined by the district, so this was the first alternative. The tiles designs are due to Mrs. Shackelford by Feb. 5.
“Originally we planned to paint parking spaces, but we were rejected,” Mrs. Shackelford said. “We wanted to give the seniors something special and unique to them.”
Mrs. Shack, in charge of the ceiling tile project, approves the design ideas given to her, and send students off on their own to work. They will replace the ceiling starting on the second floor and continue there until the hall is filled up.
“This is for senior spirit, and a way for them to leave a mark on the school,” Mrs. Shackelford said. “The tiles should stay up for years to come.”
In need of raising the money, the seniors will do anything they can to make this year memorable.
“I just want people to have a way to remember me after I leave,” senior Josh Sanders said.