As the excitement of prom approaches, it can be stressful to find the perfect date, dinner plan, picture location and, most importantly, perfect dress. To relieve stress, Legacy offers free prom dresses, purses, and shoes to borrow for the big night. The dresses and accessories are donated by parents, a dress shop, and the local community. The dresses, purses and shoes, located in the attendance office, can be borrowed and returned for use next year.
“We do this because prom is so expensive,” Ms. Janet Manning, who works in the attendance office, said. “Dresses are so expensive and we don’t want someone to not go to prom because of the cost.”
To ensure the dress fits well, the attendance office welcomes girls to try them on in the school’s restroom, or take them home to try on. So far this year, girls have looked at the dresses, but only a few have taken them home. Next year, Ms. Manning plans to advertise the opportunity more, add to the selection and host a night girls can come try them on.
“If you look through those racks, there’s some nice dresses in there. It’s not cheap material, it’s just a used dress,” senior Natisse Settle said. “It’s no different than going to a thrift shop.”
Dresses will be available for students to look at in the attendance office until prom on May 7.