With the May 6th Election wrapping up, the results have been announced. 7,700 voters showed up to make selections pertaining to the $275 million bond and the two spots up for grabs on the MISD school board..
With 65.12% of the voters voting in favor of the $275 million bond, the bond easily passed. This will be utilized by MISD with promises of “[addressing] growth, student safety and security, student equity, infrastructure improvements, and the overall student experience in MISD”.
The next decision Mansfield citizens will have to reach is what to do with it. If you want to learn more about the Bond, read here.
Anyone who paid attention to the school board election knows of the highly contested Place 6 race. With nine candidates, the votes were split almost evenly. Because of that, no candidate received more than 51% of the votes. In such an event, a runoff election is triggered and will occur on June 10 between Darrell Sneed and Jessica Camacho. These two earned 37.94% and 13.72% of the votes respectively.
Finally, incumbent Courtney Lackey Wilson remained as Place 7 of the MISD school board, collecting 74.24% of the Place 7 votes.
Keep in mind that the results are unofficial until the MISD board canvasses them at the May 16th meeting.
For updates on the run off election and the bond, be sure to follow theRiderOnline.