Student council will host a district-wide drive-in movie night on March 26 at the Performing Arts Center. Tickets cost $20 per car and can be purchased online through TicketSpice or cash only at the entry gate. Sophomore Autumn Hurta oversees the planning committee for the movie night, and she hopes for maximum participation to turn a profit.
“While planning this event, we had to think of all of the community members we wanted to include and how to reach them,” Hurta said. “We decided to make multiple social media flyers to post on the Legacy social media pages and the pages of all feeder schools.”
The movie night will entail a double feature of Secret Life of Pets 2 at 7:50 p.m. and Jumanji 2 at 9:30 p.m. StuCo will sell concessions and direct traffic for easy access through the parking lots.
“We wanted at least one of the movies to be perfect for a family night event,” Hurta said. “We wanted to create a fun and safe environment for students to come out and enjoy spending time with their friends while getting to support their high school.”
To enforce safe COVID protocols and ensure social distancing, StuCo will only sell 250 tickets, With over $3000 invested in the movie night, Hurta plans to make it all back with profit and all proceeds will go to Together We Rise — a foster care organization.
“We will be paying for concessions, the screen rental and the movie rights, so we will need at least that much to break even and everything on top will be profit,” Hurta said. “We are hoping to make a few thousand dollars off of the drive-in movie.”