For the second time, MISD turned election day into a student holiday on Nov. 4 and 5. No students at school, and receiving time off work will reduce traffic so people can arrive quickly to voting centers.
“With the amount of traffic that would be on these campuses, it’s a good idea for it to be a student free day,” Principal Stephanie Bonneau said. “It gives flexibility to go do that during the day and not have it be at the big rush times like when everyone gets off work.”
There are benefits to students and teachers during the days off. Students will have more time off especially since Thanksgiving will arrive later on during the month of November. Teachers will have extended time to get in grades and to get caught up on work before the six weeks ends.
“The teachers are going to get some work in,” Dr. Bonneau said. “Everybody needs a break, everybody benefits when they get a little bit of a rest.”
As a whole, getting out of school for the election gives advantages to students and teachers, providing a way to avoid the hassle of signing out to leave school. Avoiding traffic will also come safer to student drivers because they won’t have to deal with the crazy amount of traffic going on. Dr. Bonneau believes that these days off will provide an easier way of voting.
“They can actually go and experience it on election day without having to worry about leaving school and getting signed out and all these steps we have,” Dr. Bonneau said.