Silver Spurs will host their fourth annual Silver Spur Bingo Night on Jan. 25. Bingo Night includes 10 rounds of bingo, a silent auction and a bake sale. Silver Spur Head Coach Alexandria Thomas’ first bingo night was in 2021, her last year as Legacy’s assistant coach.
“My favorite part of bingo night is just the community aspect of it,” Coach Thomas said. “We came up with bingo night, and our first year was a success. We got a lot of community members out of retirement homes, friends and families came out and things like that.”
Bingo night brings students and community members together for family-friendly fun. Legacy’s front entrance doors will open at 5 p.m. and bingo will start at 6 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online, from any Silver Spur or from the dance room, PG-113.
“We start really planning Bingo Night in October, which sounds crazy, but since it is such a community event, we depend a lot on our community, businesses and people to come and support us at this event,” Coach Thomas said. “We have to be pretty proactive about the process.”
Varsity Captain senior Lexi Longoria helped with the first bingo night her freshman year, and has seen the event grow each year. The Silver Spurs reach out to the community for silent auction donations and advertise for people to come participate in bingo night. Their booster club also assists in this process by coordinating the behind-the-scenes aspects of the night.
“Our booster club works really hard to set the whole thing up,” Longoria said, “and then the Spurs and our parents help us sell the tickets. We set up a couple hours before, getting all the concessions, bake sale and silent auction baskets together.”
Silent auction items include Dallas Stars tickets, massage and spa certificates and restaurant gift card baskets.
“This is an event for our students here at Legacy, to have fun and win money,” Coach Thomas said. “And what teenager doesn’t like money? We want to kind of push that aspect that this is a community event and an event for our students here at Legacy High School.”