Senior Kat Henz walks up to home plate with a metal bat in hand. Henz looks up to the stands and sees her friends dressed in red; a smile forms across her face. She focuses on the pitcher, ready for ball to head her way.
Softball Player
“When I was five I started softball. My parents were really big athletes and they wanted me to be involved with sports like they were. Softball is one of things that just clicks with me and comes to me naturally. It’s made me stronger physically and mentally, helping me overcome challenges individually and with others. My teammates and I help each other accomplish our goals and it’s a great experience.”
“My friends have helped me when I needed someone to talk to or just to have fun with. They pick me up when I’m down and I would do the same for them. I’m rooming with my friend Jordan Lass at college and I’m going to try and keep in touch with my other close high school friends. Facebook makes it easier to keep tabs on people, especially those moving out of state after graduation. They’ve made a big impact on my life and I wouldn’t want to lose them just because of a little physical distance.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without my family, we go everywhere together and they encourage me in everything I do, especially sports. They mean everything to me. My brother and I have gotten closer since the beginning of high school, probably because he’s realized I’m leaving soon for college. Our relationship hasn’t always been the best, but I love where it is now. My parents push what’s best for me and they’ve raised me to be able to go out on my own when college comes. I’ll miss them all a lot and I’m glad we are so close.”
“Growing up with a religious family has made me closer to God and stronger in my faith. It doesn’t matter what building I attend, as long as my family goes to remind ourselves to keep God in our hearts and minds. I’m involved with the church youth, and it lets me have fun with people my age while remembering God too.”