Freshman Kale Gordon didn’t know where he was going when he took a bike ride one cool October night. He didn’t know he wouldn’t make it home. He didn’t know that he would almost lose his life. In October of his seventh grade year, a car full of teenagers ran over Kale Gordon while he was out riding his bike. Kale’s dad was out getting pizza when he decided to take a ride around town.
“I had no idea where I went or where I was going,” Gordon said. “I wasn’t supposed to be out.”
Gordon’s injuries resulted in two surgeries and a two-and-a-half month recovery hospital stay at Cook Children’s Medical Center. Kale’s injuries included broken bones on most of his left side and a traumatic brain injury on his right.
“I was mad at first, but now I understand that it was all just a freak accident,” Kale said.
In the time of his hospital stay, Gordon missed most of his first semester of his seventh grade year. Despite the hours of instruction he missed, he never had to make up his work.
“I hated missing school,” Kale said. “School is important to me, and I was always asking about my homework.”
Authorities have not been able to officially press charges. Kale believes there were six high school kids riding in a four- person car on their way to the Seguin High School homecoming.
“They should have been paying attention, but they were still very sorry for what they did.” Kale said. “They even came to make sure I was okay in the hospital.”
Gordon continues to attend physical therapy for his leg and recover from his accident two years later. He is close to a full recovery.
“I’m glad it happened,” he said. “It gave me a chance to look at life in a whole new perspective.”