The feel of a pen in hand. The scratching sound it makes as he writes. Loud music blasting from his earbuds. His own strong emotions. A peaceful environment surrounds sophomore Tommy Sisk as he writes. He writes based on his own emotions, but something about Sisk’s poems make them exceptionally special to him and the many friends who surround him.
“It has to be quiet for me to think, and if there’s any noise, I can’t concentrate. Unless it’s music. Then it has to be really loud. If it’s loud, then it blocks out all outside distractions. It’s also music, which is not noise, so it’s different.” Sisk said.
Sisk wrote his latest poem during the summer, expressing his feelings about all of his friends that moved away. He added in special lines for specific friends, though he used no names.
I don’t know where my life has gone today
Everything has changed
I don’t know why all of my friends have gone away
And left me in chains
“I write a lot of poems that say something special in them because I know it’s about one of my friends in particular and I can remember how I felt about them when I wrote the poem,” Sisk said.
According to Sisk, not many of the poems have happy messages. Others have a longing tone to them.
As the night takes place, it’s like a black lace
It wraps around and around, taking hold of the ground
It’s beautiful to see, so why don’t you sit awhile with me?
The darkness brings out the true nature of our hearts, even the parts
That we hide from each other
As we lie down and watch the moon, I feel I could lie here to noon
As long as I am with you
We look into our eyes and see what we already knew
That one sentence
I love you