Freshman Abby Warner prepares to dance, warming up with the other students. She goes through the steps of Mrs. Parlin’s custom stretch routine. She makes sure to stretch her arms, legs and abs so that she doesn’t injure herself while dancing. As she finishes up, she practices a few pirouettes before waiting for Mrs. Parlin’s instructions.
“I love dance just because when I hear a song, I feel like I have to move.” Warner said. “I’ve been dancing since I was born and I’m not going to stop any time soon. It also helps me get out a lot of anger and energy.”
Warner’s class is currently working on the choreography for Some Nights by Fun. “I chose this song because it talks about finding what you believe in,” Mrs. Parlin said. “It’s extremely applicable to teenagers.”
Warner practices the steps with her classmates. “This is a fun song to dance to, but I wish it had a higher level of steps.” Warner said. “I love doing pirouettes, grand jetes, and tour jetes.”
Warner’s favorite song to dance to is Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts. Warner likes dancing to songs that mean something to her because she can do whatever moves she wants to do that match her mood to the mood of the song. “It’s a personal song for me and I love it. It moves me,” Warner said. She also enjoys adding a few pirouettes and grand jetes whenever possible.
“Pirouettes are definitely the most difficult moves for me to do, but also one of my favorites. I also like grand jetes and tour jetes,” Warner said, spinning around and demonstrating her pirouette. “I don’t even have to think about it sometimes.”
“The girls sometimes tell me that they can visualize the steps in their heads when they hear a song,” Mrs. Parlin said. “We start out with basic steps and then move up gradually until we’ve gotten to the more complexed steps.”
Warner’s love of Michael Jackson also means that she loves dancing to jazz, mainly if the song is one of his. She also enjoys freestyle. “If I can make up my own moves and steps, dancing seems more fun, but even if it’s choreographed for me I love it.” Warner said
“Michael Jackson is my inspiration. He is the reason I dance. He will never be dead to me,” Warner said.