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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

All content by Brooke Jackson
On an AP Biology field trip, Shelby Hannaman, 12, feeds a bird at the Fort Worth Zoo on March 10. (Brooke Jackson photo)

On an AP Biology field trip, Shelby Hannaman, 12, feeds a bird at the Fort Worth Zoo on March 10. (Brooke Jackson photo)

Jason Irvin, 11, converses with other Acadec members at the regional meet at Arlington Martin High School.

Complications Cloud Acadec State Qualification

Brooke Jackson, Staff Writer
February 5, 2015

Before class started, juniors Johnny Waugh and Erin Long ran through the halls, screaming in disappointment. Academic Decathlon sponsor John Davis sulked at his desk trying to figure out how he could help during what he described as “one of his toughest days.” A representative from the United...

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Winter guard practices for their upcoming show.

[Photo] Cool Choreography

Ashley Bow and Hannah Shaffer, Staff Writers
March 8, 2016

Winter guard practices for their upcoming show.

Freshman Kale Gordon didn't know where he was going when he took a bike ride one cool October night.

Kale Gordon

Brooke Jackson, Staff Writer
November 6, 2012

Freshman Kale Gordon didn't know where he was going when he took a bike ride one cool October night. He didn't know he wouldn't make it home. He didn't know that he would almost lose his life. In October of his seventh grade year, a car full of teenagers ran over Kale Gordon while he was out riding his...

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Color Guard performers practices their routine.

[Photo] Winter Guard Places Second

Kendra Washington, Staff Writer
March 7, 2016

Color Guard performers practices their routine.

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