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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

All content by Hannah Pikey
The banquet will be held at Spring Creek Barbecue.

AVID to Host Banquet for Seniors

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
May 21, 2015

For the first time, AVID will host the a banquet to celebrate the accomplishments and graduation of the AVID seniors. The banquet will be held on May 22 at Spring Creek Barbecue at 12:30 in the afternoon. The AVID seniors, their parents, AVID teachers Ms. Harris and Ms. Roberts, Dr. Butler, Mr. Cousins,...

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The Future Farmers of America will host a chili cook-off to raise money for scholarships and other FFA projects on March 21.

Ron Whitson Agricultural Science Center Hosts Chili Cook-Off

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
March 20, 2015

The Ron Whitson Agricultural Science Center will host the first Mansfield Future Farmers of America (FFA) Local Show and Chili Cook-Off on March 21. The two part event will be hosted by the Mansfield FFA Alumni. Keven Smith, the Agriculture and Science Teacher and FFA Advisor at the center, will participate...

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Senior Zach Smith spices up the chili cook off with his magic.

Chili, Music and Magic

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
February 10, 2015

Entering through the cafeteria doors of Legacy, a lady waited to accept the five dollar admission fee and exchanged three tickets for tasting chili in return. The club’s sponsor, Mr. Brown, along with the students and cooks walked around to finish getting the cafeteria ready for the cook-off by setting...

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Senior Brandon Bernall poses for his picture after placing first in his event at the district meet.

Swim Team Members Advance to Regionals

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
January 29, 2015

The Legacy swim team nears the end of their season while competing in the District 8-5A Championship meet on January 23. Swim Coach Tony Tullbane looks forward to the rest of the season with pride in the team. “It was a good meet,” Coach Tullbane said. “We are going to rock [regionals].” Boys...

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Davis' physics class launches rockets behind the school for a force experiment.

Davis’ Physics Class Takes Flight

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
December 8, 2014

“Let’s hope ours is wired properly and doesn’t explode,” junior Trace Zalatoris said to his team while the class walked out to the launch area. “I hope it does,” John Patterson replied. Prepared with their own homemade rockets, the AP Physics students of Mr. Davis’s class set out...

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Mr. Ritz teaches speech and the debate team.

Mr. Ritz

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
October 6, 2014

Mr. Howard Ritz, speech teacher, suddenly jumps onto a desk to ask the students if they trust him. Without waiting for an answer, Mr. Ritz jumps from his current desk to a second, sticking his landing. Mr. Ritz teaches all sorts of exercises to move students from their comfort zones and help them excel...

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Participating students are taken through a series of dramatic recreations of car accidents due to driving under the influence.

Put It Down/Save a Life Encourages Teens to Make the Right Decisions

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
April 27, 2015

There are few scenes more emotionally challenging than seeing your loved ones in danger, which is exactly what Put It Down/Save a Life hopes to recreate. On April 23 and 24 the program, formerly known as “Every 15 Minutes”, will attempt to teach high school students the dangers of driving while distracted....

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Eighth Graders Get Sneak Peek

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
March 2, 2015

Every year for a day, from third to seventh block, the AVID high school students of Legacy receive an opportunity to help a middle school student experience an average day of high school, which will hopefully prepare them for their first year of high school. Worley Middle School and Linda Jobe Middle...

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Environmental Club Encourages Better Habits

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
February 6, 2015

Environmental club helps spread the word of saving the environment by helping others start for themselves. While also doing big community service projects that helps to clean up Mansfield, the club promotes the DOT or Do One Thing movement to promote awareness to students and the community alike. Ms....

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My Changing View On College

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
January 20, 2015

As children, teachers asked us what we wanted to be when we were older. In high school they asked us to seriously consider our future careers and colleges. However, choosing a career can be confusing and difficult and college can seem intimidating. Throughout my whole life, my idea of my dream job...

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The first state to implement soda tax was California.

Soda Tax: Benefit or Bust?

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
December 19, 2014

In the city of Berkeley, California a new tax passed on soft drinks. The tax aims to deter the rising obesity rate in America by placing a penny-per-ounce tax on soft drinks. Health organizations, like the American Heart Association and the Center for Science in the Public Interest, supported the tax...

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Things to do After Thanksgiving

Things to do After Thanksgiving

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
December 1, 2014

Right in the middle of dressing up for Halloween and decorating for Christmas, lies the holiday of giving thanks and eating warm, delicious food. Preparing for the big meal of the day takes a lot of effort and then afterwards it takes even more to clean up. Try these instead. Help Clean Up Since...

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Facts about the four seasons

Things You Should Know About the Seasons

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
September 22, 2014

In the great state of Texas, the weather tends to change quite suddenly. Although it may seem like our seasons can happen all at once, each of the four seasons have specific qualities that you probably didn’t know about. Fall The air starts to get frigid, the leaves fall and start changing to orange,...

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The new items include a grilled chicken sandwich and new fruit offerings.

Nutrition Department Adds New Lunch Items

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
April 20, 2015

The MISD Student Nutrition Department began rolling out new and fresh food items to school menus on March 16. The changes include greater varieties of fruit, homemade rolls, grilled chicken sandwiches and whole muscle white chicken breast to be used for chicken nuggets and sandwiches. Director of Student...

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AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. (Photo via AVID's website.)

AVID Helps at College and Career Fair

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
April 13, 2015

As an annual event, AVID creates a community service project that change the lives of the Mansfield community for the better. For the first time, the project focused on a college and career fair funded by the MISD Foundation. Instead of the usual college representatives, AVID juniors represented and...

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7 Valentine's Day Card Ideas

7 Valentine’s Day Card Ideas

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
February 10, 2015

A day meant for love and showing appreciation, Valentine’s Day starts by giving a special someone the card to show it. The ideas listed below show several ways to make unique and interesting cards that anyone can enjoy. The Cute, Curly Love Twist With just a pencil, glue, the right color card...

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Students join hands during a meeting for FCA.

FCA Connects Athletes Through Christ

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
February 3, 2015

Silence covered the room as the group sat in silence, some bowing their heads towards their hands or some looking around. The song “Overcame” by Jeremy Camp played throughout the varsity gym. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes club connected all of the students in the room, athlete or not. Coach...

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The Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony was held during the Toys for Tots event on December 10.

Welders Create Unique Christmas Tree

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
December 12, 2014

Standing out in the cloudy and cold day, a group of people crowded around a metal Christmas tree. A long metal pole held the golden star atop and all around Christmas lights strung from the star. As the day got darker, a man stepped from the group and announced himself and the beginning of the First...

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New Club Brings Together Anime Fans

Hannah Pikey, Staff Writer
October 6, 2014

A commotion of music and voices poured out of room AY322 where the new anime club met after school. Students lined up and chatted while signing their name in a notebook and grabbing a nametag to write their name on. The club members, old and new, moved and sat around the desks, discussing their school...

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