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The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

All content by Jacob Neesen
Kaitlyn Skelton, 10, works on her IPad in Mr. Szostek's 2nd period class. Skelton has a severe peanut allergy.

Allergies Attack

Jacob Neesen, Staff Writer
January 18, 2019

A two-year-old Kaitlyn Skelton sits down with a banana and a bowl of peanut butter. As she eats most of it gets on her in the process, and her mother notices that she struggles to breathe. Skelton’s grandmother then examines her, she notices hives cover Skelton’s body. “At that point, I started...

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Kylie Moretz, 11, participates in a mock debate.

Debate Team Prepares for Season

Jacob Neesen, Staff Writer
October 16, 2018

Mr. Ritz’s room fills with students at the end of the school day. Decorations and plastic vines line the walls, and bright lights beam down from above. Students sit down next to their friends, talk in small groups and go up to the front and grab chips and water. “Ok y’all, we’re gonna go ahead...

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